Let's Hear It For the Boys!

Let's Hear It For the Boys!

Let’s Hear It For the Boys!

Happy Father’s Day to all you dad’s out there. June is a great time to talk about men’s health.

Most men know about the importance of a regular prostate exam with their provider – but did you know that men should also check their testicles each month as well?

It is recommended for men to do a regular testicular exam each month – get familiar with what is normal for you – any abnormal lumps and bumps should be discussed with your provider. For a great guide:


Regular prostate screening are important beginning at age 40, and it’s recommended every 1-2 years – yearly if at a higher risk.

Danger signals to watch out for include straining or having to bear down to get a urinary stream going, feeling the need to void frequently, or like you are not completely empty your bladder.

Left unchecked, even a benign enlarged prostate can restrict the flow of urine and can cause kidney damage and urine backs up and puts pressure on kidneys.

Also, prostate cancers have a very high cure rate when caught early. Be sure to talk with your provider to ensure you are getting the proper screenings at the recommended intervals for your own health circumstances and background.

At Specialty Care Management, we care – and we want you to take care of yourself as well as the groups and members you work hard for! Pass this newsletter along to those you think could benefit!










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Now is the perfect time ~

More than ever, your groups and members are looking for savings and security. Health and access to the care to mitigate risk is more important than ever. People are looking for employers with robust benefits – and we are honored to partner with you to offer real savings and real benefits – that really make a difference for all involved.

Specialty Care Management’s focus is to seek out and mitigate risk wherever it lies – with unique strategies that maintain or enhance the value proposition as it currently stands. Our unique offerings aim and helping maintain the persistency in the relationships and value for all involved.

We are here to serve you by providing the services you need to be able to offer those you serve. Let’s talk soon!

Kimberlee Langford, BSN, RN, CCM, CRMT, CPC

Director of Business Development

Office: 267-406-4187

Mobile: 208-918-3715


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Andy Neary

We help insurance professionals turn reach and relevancy into revenue.


Kimberlee Langford, BSN RN CCM CRMT CPC I appreciate you sharing this. I won't lie, it's been interesting to observe how men have been pushed to take a back seat, especially emotionally. There are a lot of males out there strugging.

Ben Winfield - Mr. Pink

Automating renewals for TPAs | Analytics with Alerts | Replacing IHQs | Getting Claims Data <100 Life Groups | Data Nerd | LinkedIn Live Host | Champion of Change


I didn’t know there was a link between prostate and the kidneys.

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