A Liberal Breach for Easy Meat

It happens every time. Today is 21 October 2019. A news article in today's paper (The Star to be specific) regarding a Cape Town nature photography conference featured an image of the Great White (shark) breached high in the air above the Cape's ocean waters devouring a fur seal it had pushed up higher yet. That's the food chain pecking order!

I also read in today's newspaper headline that the DA's Helen Zille 'is back', so to speak. In the day before's paper she was quoted as saying Prof Maree advised her she should stand for leadership election or kick herself for not doing so for the rest of her life. Shortly before seeing that from today's headline I heard in the car radio that the Jo'burg mayor was about to give a press conference, probably to announce his possible resignation. I rushed back to my PC to check the teasers on the web! Spot on, within the thirty minutes of those radio teasers, IOL had reported the resignation press conference decision on its on-line publication.

So where do we stand now that the DA's second City is losing a grip? Next door is the 3rd City (PTA) with the same dynamics. There's only 4 major metros in the country, and perhaps a tenfold of sub-metro urban centres that are the ecological home of the DA's urban elite. The rest are rural non-cosmopolitan communities that do not forget their colonial and/or racial experience of the colonial purported piped water missionaries, whether Liberal (as Steve Biko would call them) or not.

Let's not forget, it was the British Crown that excluded its allies (the Africans who fought alongside them against the Boers in the two Anglo-Boer Wars) into the formation of the Union of South Africa, (ergo the excluded ANC arising therefrom, vs the Union's 1913 Land Act). Let's not forget, that it was the Union of SA that barred the traditional cattle raisers of Botswana from freely trading their traditional livestock in the open market in the much heralded Southern African Custom Union, in favor of fledgling Afrikaner ranchers.

Let's not forget either that in the intervening years between Liberals relinquishing Union of South Africa to Labour Party (1912 Mines Act; 1923 Skills Reservation Act, etc) and eventually to Nationalists with a clear agenda of uplifting "Poor (read Boer) Whites", it is now the inverse Liberal clarion call policy to Not recognize Poor Unemployed Blacks as potential constituent beneficiary!

Enough of all those 'good old days' memories!

What's happened since?

Negotiations (CODESA) brought the singing of KumByYaMyLord (see Hymn section below) between Afrikanner Nationalists and their erstwhile African Congress adversaries. The compact? Leave things the way they were, but change Faces and confuse issues! How?

BEE Transformation

Good examples (1) ANCWL is ostensibly Bosasa's origins, but commercially is NOT it!? (2) BEE Blacks includes the 1876 indentured immigrants, the un-indentured fare paying immigrants, all squabbling over their claims to RSA as is evidenced through stanza 3 of 'our' anthem in the media (see below Hymn section), and (3) the post-CODESA economic opportunists from their respective motherlands with their ugly form of Capture. [Ugly because it implicates uninvolved states such as Saudi Arabia and Dubhai , Fraternal countries such as India, States within India and those that host Bank of Baroda which is historically highly respected and ostensibly does not engage in such. But the episode places it close to Standard Chartered ... its opposite number colonially.

(4) We're also confused between the same historical spectrum from the further East - from the early Union mainland mine migrant labourers, the sanctions honorary whites from the rising sun, and our present day Mainland colonial struggle comrades, between them all include the fabled Triads, Abalone poachers, Rhino horn poachers, Car Market Cartel, Tik for Abalone launderers and what have you, them, with our fraternal interests at heart. Incidentally the far Easteners do mostly import/export whereas the near Easteners do the local distribution! Check the networks in Phillipi and the Cape Flats against the tranquil Knysna shippers.

The new ethos, A Spade should never ever be a Spade, ever again.

A skills qualification should never be actual or material, because the State decides what is through a book of registrations maintained by menial semi-literate clerks in Pretoria, where? Everywhere actually, including in industry, commerce, banking and education. And in case I forgot, all state institutions and state owned enterprises, ...);

And its easy to come from without and get Mister Clerk to include you than get an Exclude's toe in the door.

The Hymn:

And the KumbyYa hymn? It retains three stanzas;

  1. African speakers pray to your respective (missionary piped water bequeathed) gods for a blessing,
  2. Afrikaans speakers, lay claim to Land Water and Sea like you've been trying all along per die Stem, And
  3. Post-colonial un-deconstructed Liberal English speakers, - Claim what is meaning for All South Africans! After all your trump was English (and all its baggage) as African language liberation against Afrikaans, so who's there to argue with the Queen on your side? There's an irony in there somewhere. You guess!

Piping certainly did not come from England (nor Germany) by the way, nor from Rome, by a long shot, England's earlier coloniser, even though it led to their downfall through their wholesale lead poisoning demise.

Malome Tebatso Khomo

Everywhere, knowingly with the bG-Hum; Crusties!


Glad you did. I use satirical indirect references to avoid direct tort legal challenge. But those in the know get it. BTW, The Great white has swallowed a few more fur seals, ...


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