Life is a mirror it will smile at you if you do

Life is a mirror it will smile at you if you do

"Life is like a mirror, we get the best results when we smile at it.” Life is like a mirror reflecting your feelings, your actions and your thoughts. The idea is that everything you experience in life is a reflection of yourself. There are just three justifications here. People who you interact with will react to your attitude and behaviour. What you get what you give.

If you are kind with them, they will be kind with you; if you care about them, they will care about you; if you help them, they will help you, and so on. But, on the contrary, if you are negative, if you hate, if you are angry, if you are tense and so on, all these feelings will lead to undesirable behaviors. People react to your words and actions. People will echo your mood and feelings. In other words, they will treat you in accordance the way you treat them.

You are the master of your own destiny. You (your mind) are the cause and, at the same time, the solution to most of your problems. You create your own obstacles and barriers. Most of the obstacles we face in life are self-imposed. You are your worst enemy. The fear of failure and negative thinking are the cause of lack of confidence and prevent you to reach your true potential. Remember, limits exist only in our minds. You don’t believe me? Then you should watch this inspirational video by Nick Vujicic.

On the other hand, you can create your own success story. I like to think of life as a book, every person has a story behind them. Each one of us is the writer of our own story. You decide who you are going to be in this story, the people who share this journey with you. You are the maker of your own circumstances and your own character. I believe that you can transform everything around you, but first you need to reset your mind, reprogram it and then execute the new program. It’s simple, yet complex at the same time. The key is to be positive and to run towards your fears. Think as big as you like, and don’t hesitate to show the world who you really are, because you are the master of your own destiny.

The mysterious working of universe and law of attraction: The universe gives you what you ask for (both consciously and unconsciously). I don’t know why or how works, I just know that it works for me and many others. It’s like an invisible force or mechanism. Imagine that you are a magnet that attracts what you think about. I’m sure you’ve experienced it in your life. Maybe you get a phone call from a friend, who you haven’t seen for a while, just when you needed it most. Since the dawn of time, people have been using this law of attraction with their prayers.

That’s the reason people pray, to receive what they ask for. Everybody prays (both religious people and non-religious) one way or another, some pray to God, others, looking for good luck, send requests to the universe. It doesn’t matter to which God, entity or element you pray to. What really matters is to ask for what you want, but not imposing a mandate or ordering a specific result. In order to attract what you ask for, you have to send a clear and realistic request.

A lot of people believe that children are born good and innocent. They believe it is the world that corrupts them as they get older. But here I disagree. When I taught Sunday school, I worked with many toddlers. When toddlers saw something they wanted, they immediately stole it from another toddler. They were selfish, although no one taught them to be that way. Often, when a toddler was stolen from, they hit the other toddler who stole from them. I guarantee you, no one taught that toddler to hit and hurt someone.

Some humans, I believe, are born selfish, unkind, and uncaring. Kindness is learned. And, to be kind, you must fight against human nature. That’s why kindness is so impressive. Life is hard, it is cruel, it is full of uncertainty and that is what makes us adore it. If life wouldn't be tough, it wouldn't be this fascinating! Enjoy this precious gift in every possible way, and don't forget to help others whenever you can!

It is because our reality is based on cause-effect. Which means: anything needs to be caused by something. But who causes everything? Ultimately it is the I. The big I. The consciousness. Each movement of consciousness has its reflection in reality which is like a mirror, but does not obey the reflection laws that we are used to in 3D dimensions. In this case, dimensions are higher, so it is difficult for us individually to understand how our thoughts are reflected to us.

That what you give is what you get in return. If we go by Tesla’s quote that "in order to understand the universe, we have to think in terms of energy and vibration". According to this, whatever energy you project, this is what you’re going to receive in return. Also, people believe that it doesn’t really matter what happens but how you handle a situation. If you see the glass half full or half empty. The world reflects back to you the energies that you put out. For example, if you are kind and generous, the universe will bring more kind and generous people and animals into your life. If you are positive and carry lots of positive energies, many positive things will happen in your world.

No man or woman alive who have caught a sight of her/his face with a naked eye. Most of us have been seeing ourselves, not primarily through our own eyes but through other's eyes. Can you believe that we have never ever truly saw our faces.. What if a mirror you are using everyday is lying to you. Yes mirrors are very important on the road,if there were no mirrors in our cars they would be many accident on the road. For personal use I think mirrors have caused many misery than help.

Take for an instance when you wash your face and you feel a small pimple, when you sense it with your hand it is not big. Then you take your mirror and start to look at it, you will start to notice that it is not that small, you will start to see that is yellowish inside and the next thing, it is so big. What is next? Immediately you start to have a bad day. When you get to work you feel conscious when someone looks at your face. You even go to the extend of apologising for the way you look. The amazing thing is sometimes the other person did not even notice the pimple.

Another example is, before you leave your house you look at yourself on the mirror and you look fine. Your body is not that fat when you watch it on the mirror. The next thing you walk pass windows of the shops before you enter your office. When you look at yourself on those windows you start to see a different person, you look twice the weight you saw in your house. How do you feel? I have seen people go into a lot of heartache because of this. They just saw 2 pieces of glasses made differently and they start to destroy their lives.

When Oprah interviewed Michael Jackson,she asked him if he was happy with his new look.Michael Jackson said that it is never perfect with him. The question that I asked myself was what if those mirrors that he looks at were wrong. What if he was perfect before he did his nose. The English man even says beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. What is beauty for Africans,Americans, Asians,or European differs in their perspectives.

Mirrors are stealing our peace. Some people want to shine but what they see on a piece of metal destroys them. I mean ladies and gentlemen someone hears people say he/she is ugly and the next thing they stand before a metal and their lives are destroyed. Did this person ever saw their face with their naked eye? No. Meaning they let myths dictates their lives. It is a lie that their telling him/her. Some cannot do well because people said they have a big nose, where did you see the big nose or big eyes you have?

Media put pictures of models who went through a lot of work, with make up and a lot of things that goes behind the scenes. The next thing you want to look like them. You are unhappy. I believe if we only had mirrors on the road, life could have been better. More people could have been happy. How many people we think that they have it all and the next thing they go from one surgery to the other because of what they see in front of the piece of metal.

A piece of a metal invented by a human being just like you,it gives you pain. This metal does not have class of people it destroys. It destroys the poor, famous, rich and also intelligent people. It take the beautiful smile that we were born with away. When we are young we are beautiful but when we start to stand before this metal we start to change. In the olden days my great mother used to have a bald head, today in Africa we don't have pride with our heads because of this metal.

Today look at yourself with your naked eye and tell me what you see on your face. I know you cannot see your face. Your face does not define who you are. What I know for sure you are beautiful you do not need any make up. You are the same beautiful baby that your mother held with pride. No one can steal that beauty away from you. That innocence that you were born with it is still there. No mother will ever say, my baby is ugly, meaning we are all beautiful when we are babies. What you see and hear from other people is a lie. You are perfect. Nothing or any circumstances can steal that from you, go on shining. Cheers!

Alexi Rojas

Especialista en manejo de maquinas


Good morning

Natasha Patel

Housekeeper on PICU ward


Beautiful picture and post 


Great message Kishoreji

Atul Phatak

Experienced business development professional clinical research Phase I to Phase IV.


Thanks for this inspirational article Sir. 🙏


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