Limelight: Improve Patient Experience with Tech-Enabled Performace Solution

Limelight: Improve Patient Experience with Tech-Enabled Performace Solution

As a certified B Corporation idgroup's purpose is not only to be the best in the world but to be the best for the world. We work with leaders to strengthen the alignment between corporate messaging and customer experience.

Through our work, we realized when organizations offer powerful stories, brought to life through the behavior of their staff and services, these organizations generate a higher level of loyalty and emotional engagement from customers actively looking for confidence amid uncertainty.

We continued to see how when patient expectation meets experience there is a great improvement in patient outcome. In the pursuit of aligning company culture, patient expectation, and patient experience we developed Limelight Performance®.

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Limelight Performance® is the answer for healthcare leaders committed to building cultures of continuous improvement. This efficient, accurate, tech-enabled performance solution measures patient perceptions at the point of service. Managers have immediate access to patient feedback via a cloud-based dashboard; insights critical for understanding your patients, reinforcing performance excellence and coaching service improvement.

Your Brand is Your Reputation.

Every touchpoint is a moment of truth that reinforces your brand promise to build trust. Limelight measures the real-time pulse of your service environment while identifying your star performers and offering patients an opportunity to share positive online reviews that reinforce your reputation to the public.

Features & Benefits

  • Touchpoint Mapping, Gap Analysis and Change Management Planning
  • Real-time dashboard, text alerts, and trending information for day-to-day performance and process improvement
  • Customizable and multilingual survey questions
  • Online review platforms integration to elevate rankings
  • Point-of-service delivery to improve response rates and response time for service recovery
  • Improve Net Promoter Scores
  • Web-based solution

Want to learn more about Limelight?

Our team of Limelight Performance coaches will help your team build a service environment that moves beyond satisfied to impress!  Get your associates and staff in the game by engaging them in building experiences that “wow” your patients.

To learn more about how Limelight Performance can help you improve patient experience contact me today at or 850-293-8604.

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