The LinkedIn Advertising Monitor (mid Q4 – 2021)

The LinkedIn Advertising Monitor (mid Q4 – 2021)

I have now tracked 8 quarters of ad costs since 2020. As we are in the final quarter for 2021 and ready for the holiday and business planning seasons for 2022. 

LinkedIn revenue continues to grow thanks to the advertising dollars/euros checks falling into the LinkedIn bank account.

So time to take a look at how the costs for ads on LinkedIn have evolved.

Just as a reminder, I decided to keep track of a quarterly basis of the (suggested) advertising costs on LinkedIn. The goal is to track the cost to advertise to specific groups (Sales, Marketing, and Finance) at 3 levels (Belgium, Europe, and the USA) and thus give some insights into the advertising trends. Of course, as an experienced advertising space buyer you might be able to shave off some euros or cents but I want to continue to compare the same scenarios. 

The overall conclusion is that the cost to advertise have sky-rocketed from the previous quarter to this quarter: 

·     The CPM cost has increased in every scenario by 30%!

·     The CPC cost increased a massive 17% overall in every scenario!

·     While the Sponsored & Text ads continue to remain stable

·     The cost for the job ad has also increased by 17%

These are the biggest increases and some of the highest costs for ads in the 8 quarters since I started to monitor the evolution. I will assume these costs will continue to rise as more and more marketers join LinkedIn's advertising and bidding game.

The 2020-2021 evolution

I have taken a few simple scenarios to illustrate the evolution of the cost

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Here is an overview of the costs

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As a reminder, LinkedIn offers a certification program This training gives you insights into the Advertising module of LinkedIn.  By tweaking different parameters you can certainly reduce the numbers and cost!

 Closing thought on Targeting on LinkedIn

From the research, I did last year and earlier this year when you target in the ad module of LinkedIn or use Search in Sales Navigator/Recruiter, you will not reach or find everyone that you should be reached or found. This has nothing to do with LinkedIn but with members not completing their profiles.

What are your findings when it comes to LinkedIn ads?


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Thanks for gathering and analyzing the data Mic Adam!

Sebestian Ong

Digital Strategist optimizing your LinkedIn experience with 🔵 Social Selling 🔵 B2B Marketing 🔵 Employee Advocacy 🔵 for organizations, business owners and digital marketers | Follow #SebestianShares


Wow, 17% is quite a far bit. But did you also notice any changes in the quality of the leads?


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