March in Review - Talentcrowd's secrets for interviewing success
The PMO Parallax
A View from Different Perspectives
March saw the return of Spring! But with it, came a number of people returning to the job market. Some for the first time in Decades. They are now sifting through a sea of very generic advice on interviewing best practices. So, I've decided to throw a life preserver out to anyone struggling to stick out among all the fish in the sea. I have interviewed thousands of people throughout the course of me career, and have compiled a list of the most common do's, don'ts, absolutely not's, and my honest feedback on the whole experience.
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Talentcrowd Book Club
We review the books making an impact!
This Month's Read: Atomic Habits
Why we loved it:
Atomic Habits comes highly recommended in many circles and most best seller list, so we gave it a read. We were not disappointed! First, the voice and tone of the book are very informal and easy to read. It's very effortless and easy to consume, like listening to a podcast. The language is clear and ideas are articulated simply. The author undoubtedly knows his stuff. He lays out a framework for building habits that focus on triggers and tiny changes that add up over time... Read More
Talentcrowd Gives Back
Celebrating our Community
The Talentcrowd Community is growing!
In addition to the amazing tech talent we have available, we've recently expanded our community to include CIO's and other seasoned C-level folks!
The amount of mentorship and knowledge sharing has been tremendous and we can't wait to share these people with you!