Measuring Progress
Penn Medicine to stop participating in “best hospitals” rankings and instead commits to annual reporting of inclusive quality and performance metrics
In health care, there are many ways to view success—good news on a test result, a fracture healed or an illness cured. At Penn Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Health System , we take immense pride in these milestones and the many more that help patients live healthier, longer lives.
As an institution, we continually reach for excellence, including strengthening the ways we define and evaluate progress, especially as treatments advance and improvements in care delivery are made. This incorporates tracking longstanding, evidenced-based measures, such as rates for readmission or infection, as well as quality data for emerging care areas beyond the traditional hospital setting.
After considerable review, Penn Medicine will no longer participate in the annual U.S. News & World Report “Best Hospitals” rankings. The current methodology has not kept pace with modern health care delivery systems, and it does not fully capture the scope of our patient population or institutional priorities.
Because U.S. News & World Report pulls information from publicly available data sources, Penn Medicine likely will continue to be ranked, although we anticipate that ranking may change. Regardless of our placement, the health system will no longer promote or advertise these rankings.
Undoubtedly, quality and performance metrics help hospitals track and strengthen their programs. That is why we are committed to developing a public-facing dashboard that captures the many facets of care across the health system. The goal is to create a transparent and informative resource for patients and their families, as well as our peers.
For more than 270 years, Penn Medicine has defined and shaped health care. The decision to de-emphasize the rankings does not take away from this rich legacy or the immense pride and spirit employees bring to their work.
People choose Penn Medicine for the best in care. We honor their faith in us by dedicating time, talent and resources where they matter most: ensuring a standard of excellence for patients who need us today and the many more who will turn to our institution in the future.
President & CEO at ComplyAssistant
1yKevin, thanks for sharing!
Director of Optimization and Analysis at Chester County Hospital/Penn Medicine
1yGreat move Penn! We need to focus on the metrics that matter to all of our patients and be bold and transparent and then spend these savings on focusing on the opportunities that we have to deliver even better care, experiences and outcomes for our patients!
President, CEO, Milanj Diamonds
1yWe trust kevin we ever He does is for best of our Penn 👍🙏🙏🙏
President Virtua Memorial and Virtua Willingboro Hospitals at Virtua Health
1yBravo and I appreciate that you are addressing the challenge of only using Medicare Inpatient data. There are many other groups out there (HCAHPS, Leapfrog...) that need to make changes to better reflect the classification of patients.
Chief Revenue Officer at Women's Care
1yThanks for paying attention to what matters! Penn Medicine has always pioneered new and better ways to provide excellent patient care.