Meet the real-life elasti-boy with a rare condition that leaves him extremely bendy and in pain - here’s how bibic helped Wilson and his mum…

Meet the real-life elasti-boy with a rare condition that leaves him extremely bendy and in pain - here’s how bibic helped Wilson and his mum…

Wilson was just 10 years old when his mum, Julie-Anne, first approached bibic for support. Julie-Anne, suspected that Wilson had Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, which affects the body’s connective tissue, and Autism Spectrum Disorder, a neurological condition that can cause significant social, communication and behavioural challenges. Wilson also struggled with anxiety, depression, self-esteem, anger, disruptive behaviour and had not been attending school.

Wilson came to bibic with a diagnosis of hypermobility. Reflecting back on Wilson diagnosis at just four years old, Julie-Anne said: "I didn’t know what to think, I didn’t even know what it was. I noticed his legs bent backwards and weren’t straight. We now say it's his special superpower. He is so good about it, even though it often leaves him in pain. Some days it’s that bad, he can’t even walk up the stairs.”

Wilson said: "My bones feel horrible, I'm in a lot of pain and I need a wheelchair sometimes when I can't walk far.”

Wilson also experienced a lot of anxiety and struggled socialising. He couldn’t control his emotions which would often lead to meltdowns. Julie-Anne had managed alone for four years without any help or support and, due to Wilson’s separation anxiety, she rarely had any time to herself.

In his wellbeing assessment, bibic therapist Jess asked “when do you feel like crying?” and Wilson replied “right now” and broke down in tears because of the way he felt about himself.

bibic provided a tailored therapeutic programme to help manage Wilson’s behaviour, emotions, and difficulties as well as support for his hypermobility. Since reading bibic's report, doctors have now referred Wilson to an occupational therapist and he is now receiving support for his speech and language development from key professionals. Julie-Anne also now has access to respite care which helps Wilson socialise, whilst importantly enabling Julie-Anne to have some time to herself.

Julie-Anne said: “With bibic’s support, I felt like I finally had everything I needed to get the help that Wilson had been waiting so long for. The report helped get Wilson an Educational Health Care Plan, which we had been trying to get for four years, as well as other support which we had been fighting so long for."

Through bibic’s support, Wilson now has more awareness and notices the build up of his emotions. He is more able to manage and understand his behaviour, expresses how he is feeling, and accept help from others. Julie-Anne commented “Wilson now identifies when a meltdown is coming and will say 'help me'. I now understand Wilson’s feelings more and how to cope and deal with his needs too."

Wilson said bibic is “amazing” as they are “the only people who listened” to him. He now feels more confident and happy: “Having problems is hard. I need a lot of help and care, but it makes me unique so that’s cool. I want to go back to school to make lots of friends.” When Wilson grows up he has said he wants to be an emergency services call handler and Julie-Anne says this is because he wants to help people, the way the bibic helped him.

Reflecting on the help that bibic has provided, Julie-Anna said, “bibic has opened up a lot of doors. It was a relief that someone believed us. People are now finally listening to us all because of bibic. We were stuck with no help for so long and we would still be stuck if we hadn’t received bibic’s support.

“bibic makes a massive difference to people’s lives, they have helped us get the support and help Wilson needs for his future. bibic has made us look into the future with more hope, which feels so much brighter now.”

We want to do more to help more children like Wilson. A donation, however big or small, helps provide a lifeline for some of the most vulnerable in our society.

Donate now by visiting here or by calling 01456 253344.

Thank you from Wilson, Julie-Anne, all of the bibic team and all of the families who we will help in the future.

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