And minimalist-work was created


Last week I introduced you to the Asana Community, and the Certified Pro status I had a chance to obtain.

As the Asana ecosystem grew, and my list of projects and involvements also expanded, I was introduced to the concept of minimalism by the excellent documentary "Minimalism, a documentary about the important things"

This documentary kicked off my minimalist journey, which would eventually take me to write my own book on the subject (in French) and launching, my website bridging my two passions, minimalism, and productivity. With this website, my goal was to provide a set of tools, services, and resources to help you be more efficient in your day-to-day work, so you can have more time for yourself (or for more useful work). I first started with a focus on many tools (Smartsheet, Trello, Wrike) but finally decided to recenter everything around Asana.

After writing my ebook, I wanted to keep sharing and decided to create small quotes about minimalism I am posting on LinkedIn often You can also find all the quotes on my website

As Joshua Becker said, "Minimalism is about filtering out the noise to focus your energy on what’s important". Whether you are doing minimalism with your clothes, your kids' toys, your iPhone apps or your desk, you'll find that minimalism brings calm and clarity. Don't hesitate to email me any questions you have about minimalism!

Take care! Next week, I'll share with you the best tools I have created so far

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