Modifying strategy during challenging or unexpected times

Modifying strategy during challenging or unexpected times

I have been seeing a lot of discussion online and in the business press recently, about the need to develop a post Covid recovery plan. There has been remarkably little discussion about strategy. This suggests to me that strategy is being forgotten in favour immediate tactical considerations. The reality is that, with the current headwinds, your strategy needs to be adapted or changed completely.

I remember a former colleague, @KeithPower, was fond of reminding us that we couldn’t choose the wind direction, but we could choose how to set our sails. Now is the time to re-set our sails.

Here I have highlighted seven focus areas that you might find useful in revising your strategy.

Re-Map and re-evaluate your performers to understand core performers, stars and laggards in the new environment

  • Current Distributors
  • New Distributors
  • Team members

It’s a tough time so it’s best to wait before making any permanent decisions about your performers.

Don’t lose sight of your Vision, Values and Mission but add Measures, Methods and Elimination of Obstacles to your thinking.

Your team are trying to adjust to a new normal so it’s important to have clarity on the long term goal, while you all figure out how to overcome the obstacles and measure progress. People tend to focus on tried and true methods and cling to titles, roles and responsibilities when things get tough. It’s important for everyone to know it’s your job to keep the focus on outcomes and measures. Like it or not, we are now in a results-based economy and you and your business must act accordingly.

Shift to proactivity

Don’t over focus on reactivity measures (NPS, OTIF etc). Shift your goals to anticipating customers needs and focusing on their success. CSI is not your priority in the current environment – getting new customers is and that is extremely challenging in this kind of economy.

Refocus your segmentation based on Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

Identify and prioritise the customers with the highest CLV as these are key to your long-term success.

Re-evaluate your portfolio and invest accordingly

It’s important to focus on what’s most important to your business and evaluate what is and isn’t proving growth and market share, then invest time and effort accordingly. There are various ways to do this, but I recommend the BCG Growth and Market Share Matrix using overall margin generated as the key measure.

Ensure you allow freedom and Flexibility when possible

Your team members have a lot of time to think at the moment and, as a result, they will consider if they stay with you or take the opportunity of the disruption to look for new or different opportunities. As the desire to work remotely is growing, and the current situation proves it can work, many will look to continue after we get over the current situation. Employees, especially millennials and generation Z, are looking for three basic freedoms

  • Debt Freedom
  • Financial Freedom
  • Locational Freedom

Forget delegation and use leverage

With the focus on remote working, your role as leader and manager cannot be to delegate or micromanage. These are a waste of your time and your team’s time. Shift to a focus on leverage.

  • Provide a guiding star and the larger mission
  • Align the team around shared successes and outcomes
  • Share information with a high degree of transparency
  • Ensure shared responsibility and team accountability exists
  • Your role is to inspire and provide collective guidance

Do let me know if you agree / disagree by adding comments or alternatively, let me know if you want to discuss further.

Many of these points are covered in more detail in a recent primer published by SlideShop Marketing.

Barry Edney

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