The Most Astounding Fact...
Looking into the Ethereal

The Most Astounding Fact...

The Most Astounding Fact.

Some years ago, back in the 17th century, underneath an apple tree of illumination, exhausted from the day's calculations, Sir Issac Newton capped his pen, weary from the day's computations and estimations, his head throbbing and just longing to take a moment to himself, he walked into the accompanying apple orchard field that graced his school to the left.  

As a zephyr blew across the field, his mind was tired from the mathematical figures orbiting in his head, his brain power fatigued, sapped and exhausted, and yearning to just power down, he was weary from the work he efforted to accomplish for that day, treading water in his work.  

He just wanted to rest.

Yearning to just close his eyes and breath for a moment from the day's work.

Something we can all empathize with.

As he walked through that field, he found a single apple tree in this orchard that stood alone from the others.

He laid down next to this particular beauty of Nature and quieted his thoughts for the day.

Eyes closed, leaning up against the strength of a simple tree, eyes closed, a thought began to take form in his mind...

That inside of us all, he realized an insight that one day would become one of the Laws of Thermodynamics, a Law of the Universe Herself, that while you may not feel it day to passing day, it is part and parcel of the foundation of the Book of Humanity that exists in all of us. 

Simply put, all of life today is born from a previous life that once existed before.

Science tell us that all known matter in the Universe comes from some previous existence that once held the very same dreams and fears and hopes and indeed love that we each feel today, that from these timeless protons and neutrons and electrons that move inside of all of us, from every molecule of your very being once existed in those stars above and beyond our comprehension, that inside of us all, our very existence came from that which once stood before, and so shall exist in time yet to come.

In a way that makes you immortal.

Energy is not created or destroyed.  Just transferred... and what a transfer you are!

Inside of you there still rages a Tyrannosaurus rex, a volcano of inspiration, a collapsing star lightyears away that once was dying in the night only to be reborn in you, a galaxy of hopes and the very breath and essence of Light that cannot be extinguished in any crucible.

Beyond our collective understanding, there are waves that have romanced the shorelines of the Universe since time immemorable and the Ethereal that flows inside you still.

While I do not pretend to understand what all the Laws of the Universe mean, I do know this fundamental truth: We are all connected.

And that comforts me.

For I don't have to understand all the mysteries of the Universe to know that such mysteries exist. It inspires us. It moves us.

The Universe lives in each of us.

Ultimately, in these mystifying, bewildering waves that flow all around us that are beyond our comprehension, the human spirit yearns to search up and beyond, to become something better than we are today, in the hopes to be coming something better and worthy for us to pass onto to our children, a light and goal to strive for.

And when you think about it for a moment, that inside all of us, regardless of the shapes and colors and orientations that we are in at this present moment, we all share in the same storyline, the same atoms of the Universe Herself, the same common thread that binds us all to one another.

That's the living definition of connectivity.

You. Me. The stars and trees and the Light that envelops us all.  

We are all born from the same Source.

Above all, as we wander through the wilderness of our own lives, I hope one day we can realize that we all share more in common than we do in difference. I hope we can strive towards achieving a level of connectivity that binds us, to not focus on our so-called differences but rather one day we shall see that which we all share in commonality.

Albeit I may never meet you, at least in this form and physicality, I am part and parcel of you as you are in me.  

Humanity rests upon your shoulders.  

You matter more than you yet realize...

So reach up and reach out to one another, and strive towards the stars, for inside of you the hope and love of the Universe Itself exists in you forevermore.

And now I hand the mic to one of my favorite astrophysicists, Mr. Neil deGrasse Tyson:

So glad you are here.

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