My Psychological (Dis)Order
Even for a few minutes a day, if you stop and carefully observe life, you will find a pattern of perceptions-reactions-behavior in whatever one does in life.
And why does it happen?
In retrospect, it happens because a psychological order is manifested through each human being. Sometimes, the order is in a partial disorder, it is all messed up, or it feels like an unmanageable mess or like a derailed train. However, these disorders are acceptable exceptions because they exist within the order.
For example -
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These are just some examples of people's reactions to all sorts of daily situations and challenges that life continuously presents to everyone.
Therefore, since the circumstances of life are vast, and their reactions are plentiful, it is wise and constructive to use these daily situations to learn more about yourself.
What does that mean?
You can analyze which situations trigger weak and uncontrollable reactions. And what are the affairs that provoke conscious and caring responses?
Then, if you choose to do those, this simple decision opens up many possibilities for both fortifying your weakness or reviving your strengths, emotionally speaking.
Then, because of this admirable choice, you will inevitably embark on a journey of persistent improvement, purification, and freedom that will benefit you and your surroundings.
Finally, all these benefits will accrue if you only spend one or two minutes a day introspecting, non-judgmentally, at your daily emotional interactions.