Nature is based on Proof of Work consensus

Nature is based on Proof of Work consensus

PoW systems in Nature: The power of sunlight is stored in molecules. 

In synthetic industrial reactions, man uses ethylene to recycle sunlight = ethylene two carbons

In biological systems, it is Acetyl- CoA = Acetyl means two carbons

When fat burning is slowed Acetyl groups enter the matrix and get a CoA connected to it to be ready to be burned. If NADH is not present then it cannot be burned and it backs out of the mitochondria as Acetyl CoA and builds up in our blood as something called circulating acetylcarnitine. People with defective mitochondria have this reductive stress in mitochondria where there is too much Acetyl CoA and not enough NADH.

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"Ethylene is the most industrially significant molecule in the world. Its simple structure of two carbon and four hydrogen atoms belies its astonishing utility. The carbon atoms are connected via a double bond, the reactivity of which makes it an ideal feedstock for countless downstream chemical reactions. Ethylene can be oligomerized, polymerized, oxidized, halogenated, alkylated, or hydrated – the possibilities are virtually limitless. It is no exaggeration to say that most synthetic materials in our modern economy contain carbon atoms that once existed as ethylene." ---Doomberg  

The current industrial solar battery being used by man to make things that have stored solar energy was invented by nature via photosynthesis called a HYDROCARBON molecule = ethylene

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Natural sources of ethylene include both natural gas and petroleum from decaying plants; but it is also a naturally occurring hormone in plants, in which it inhibits growth and promotes leaf fall, and in fruits, in which it promotes ripening. Did you know that?  

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Photosynthesis is the cornerstone of energy balance. 

3.6 BILLION years ago the sun helped evolve the core machinery of energy balance. The process of glycolysis is the cornerstone. Mitochondria were not yet a thing but NADH and NAD+ cycling inside a rudimentary membrane was a primordial thing. Then came NADPH and NADP+. Next up for evolution was the creation of two carbon molecule of Acetyl-CoA. Deacetylase enzymes that rely on NAD+ and acetyl-CoA levels came next. Then came the ATPase and ATP and ADP. 

The enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase complex present in mitochondria catalyzes the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate to acetyl CoA.

Acetyl CoA is a key intermediate in many biochemical pathways. During cellular respiration, it is produced by pyruvate and then enters the Krebs cycle in the matrix. It delivers the acetyl group in the Krebs cycle for energy production. The acetyl carbons are released as CO2 in the Krebs cycle. This RE-cycles the carbons back to plants for photosynthetic restoration. This is something the people below do not want you to realize.

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When NADH, ATP, and acetyl-CoA levels are high in unison and controlled by sunlight, the cell will be in anabolic mode. It is growing and living and surviving and thriving. Any and every cell type on Earth in anabolic mode will reproduce its DNA and replicate. For example, a fat cell in anabolic mode will store fat.

The BEST solar battery on Earth which stores solar energy was already been invented by nature via photosynthesis called a HYDROCARBON molecule = Acetyl CoA

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The core system of living cells for energy balance in cells that informed cells whether or not they should divide and grow or conserve energy has remained the same for 3.8 billion years. Those systems – involving NADH/NAD+ ratios and acetyl-CoA levels – remained intact. They already had 1.3 billion years to work out the kinks between the sun and cellular machinery until Nature got to eukaryotic cells. The environment of light changed oxygen levels and she adapted the core energy processes tied to Acetyl-CoA with oxidative enzymes.

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Fat, carbohydrate, ethanol, and some amino acids can all be converted to acetyl-CoA by living cells. The pool of acetyl-CoA is the source of the high-energy electrons which reduce NAD+ to NADH. It takes three NAD+ to burn a molecule of acetyl-CoA. The more acetyl-CoA there is, the faster NAD+ has to be converted to NADH. If this process is broken energy balance is destroyed.  

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What was missing in the synthetic production cycles of ethylene? Mitochondria have a 100% recycling system for CO2. People in the WEF know that industrial uses of ethylene create atmospheric CO2 so they decided to use this idea to breathe life into the CO2 hypothesis of climate change so they could control people via regulation and taxation.  

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Then a funny thing happened. "Their" premise went boom with real science publishing the truth. This is the type of science they don't want you to see or understand. You might expect that their fact-checking censors may try to limit the discussion to suit "their" agenda  

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“A team of researchers led by Meenesh Singh at the University of Illinois Chicago has discovered a way to convert 100% of carbon dioxide captured from the industrial exhaust into ethylene, a key building block for plastic products.

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Their findings are published in Cell Reports Physical Science.

While researchers have been exploring the possibility of converting carbon dioxide to ethylene for more than a decade, the UIC team's approach is the first to achieve nearly 100% utilization of carbon dioxide to produce hydrocarbons. Their system uses electrolysis to transform captured carbon dioxide gas into high purity ethylene, with other carbon-based fuels and oxygen as byproducts.”

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Man found a way to 100% recycle CO2 as cells do. Climate change is a scam. Never forget to use science to blow up bad WEF memes. Never comply with anything the WEF tries to advance. Know your enemies and know why they are WEF members. See the new King of the UK as proof of concept.  

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Jan Vojáček

Následuji srdce a mozek si beru s sebou



Anna Maria R.

Innovative Thinker | Account Management | Relationship Builder | Motivated Self-Starter


Wise words indeed

Andrew Venegas

Future Innovations,Music, Sales Opps.


Very easy to say and near impossible to do. Time/resources/agenda/algorithms The only responsibility of someone on the perimeter is to watch and make sure nobody falls off of a cliff. The rest for those detached is silence.


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