Neglected. (Based on a true story)
Neglected (Based on a true story)
Smashed straight out her face,
Mum didn’t notice me,
I mean they were there but they weren’t,
Because they were out of it,
I wanted to go school,
Because I didn’t want a life like my parents,
It’s like there is only hell here,
Can’t find the stairs to heaven,
I tried to speak to school,
But they didn’t listen,
So you put on a smile and pretend everything is ok,
Then you even fool yourself to thinking you're
I was often left by myself,
I felt so lonely and alone,
Even though I had my parents there,
I felt so alone,
I tried to talk to them about their drug use,
They denied it and kept yelling so I left,
It was like everyone hated me,
So I overdosed, there was no way out
That’s how I felt,
I used to think it was my fault,
That mum took drugs,
But she made her own choices,
And I couldn’t do anything to change that fact,
I didn’t want to follow her path,
I didn’t want to do drugs like her,
Neglect my children,
A dark childhood without a mother and father,
Smashed straight out her face,
Mum didn’t notice me,
I mean they were there but they weren’t,
Because they were out of it.
(Written by Mitak Ahmed)