Nordic Norms – Asking new questions about what counts as Nordic in development and production of Nordic original content in the streaming space.
This week, Netflix announced that they would open a bricks and mortar office in Stockholm to establish a permanent Nordic hub and further anchor their position in the Nordic territory and leading global market position.
Lina Brouneaus, leading the Netflix Nordic operations, said that she welcomes growing partnerships and developing diverse and local stories for their global subscribers to enjoy. This is welcome news for content creators working in the Nordic film and television industry. However from the perspective of non-white Nordic content creatives, what does ‘local’ and ‘diverse’ mean in terms of ‘Nordic content.’?
This question became poignant to me recently with two projects that were deemed as not Nordic content citing “too American” and the other project was only 50% in the country of origin and therefore could not be developed further as a Nordic TV series. Two separate projects based on a real-life Nordic story-line about Non-White Nordic citizens who had a story about immigration, race, racism, bullying, music, civil rights, identity, family and having strong and beloved ties yet complex connection as Nordic citizens with heritage from Africa and USA. I want to see this story, don’t you? But these kinds of stories are imported to us here from the UK, France and the USA.
Herein lies a puzzle of mystery and bewilderment on what will pass as Nordic content and what does not pass as Nordic content. Am I to assume that as a rightsholder of IP’s of authors whose stories are to be developed into film/ TV and gaming adaptions, these authors’ characters who are very much Nordic characters but of different skin colour and have a narrative that frames a story set in the Nordic context, cannot be considered Nordic original content?
New questions must be asked. What and who is a Nordic character and Nordic content? Who is allowed to tell this story and from whose lens? Who remains visible and who shall continue to remain invisible?
What I am watching on streaming channels coming out from the Nordics is homogenous scripted and unscripted content. When things get ‘diverse’ it means someone of colour or ethnic minority is holding a gun, needs a bag of cash fast or playing an Isis insurgent OR in the case of Sweden, the only Nordic black man to play the white-black guy is the actor Alexander Karim. He is the go-to blackwashing actor for Swedish production companies. A producer has ticked her box for the diversity puzzle and HR are satisfied. Feel me shrug.
Nordic streamers are subsidiaries of their primary heads originating in USA and where diversity and representation on all aspects of creative development from story conception to screen, is a conscious business development strategy that studio execs have realized, pays off.
Further more,USA owned, dejure or defacto, Nordic streamers, are not excluded in this principle and business strategy and therefore are beholden to this as well. (Maybe they are but only HR knows about it.) Feel me shrug again.
In the case of NENT which is Nordic owned, is currently divesting their assets in order to focus on original content to fill their streaming output on SVOD platform,Viaplay. If Nent has aspirations for a spot in the USA market as other territories, Nent acquisition's VPs will also need to consider this puzzle unless of course their audience base are the Christian folk. There is nothing wrong with that. But just good to know if you are planning on pitching a musical about three black Swedish singers called the Mamas. It might not fit the Nordic original content programming.
When Nordic acquisition heads are indifferent to this fact, they show a lack of business acumen by denying future subscribers an opportunity to connect with them when they make arbitrary reasons not to invest in social, cultural and story capital. This must be challenged and the hidden mechanisms stopped.
There are people of colour living in the Nordics who have high socio-economic class, come from middle socio-economic class, working class heroes, have university degrees and not all have arrived via boat or escaping terrible atrocities and human rights abuses. Yet many have and these individuals have made the Nordics their home too and thus this is their story. This is a Nordic original content as much as Björnstad, Rain, Love me, Wallander, Easy Money.
If we the content creators and the paying subscribers want to be entertained, be moved, laugh, wonder, marvel, cry and connect with each other now more than ever before, because lets face it, right now it's a pretty shit time, then Nordic streamers need to start making room and space for these diverse and local narratives and mean it. Don’t tell me. Show me.