October lessons to pass along
As the leaves change color, the nights get longer and the temperature gets colder it is sometimes difficult to keep yourself motivated. But you shouldn't wait until New Year's to make positive changes that we often call resolutions! Here are some items and media that have motivated me as of yet this month.
What I've watched to motivate my life - The Redeem Team documentary on Netflix. The doc is about a team at the beginning of the social media age whose story is more important than we potentially remember. Watching with a business eye - it's the story of the USA Basketball team rebuilding their program instead of collecting stars and expecting them to easily win gold medals. The lesson learned : you can have all the right team members but if you don't have the right processes and cohesiveness - you won't succeed. From a motivational alpha side...Kobe. The clips of him steal the show; watching his interactions with the rest of the team and melting away his ice-cold persona to become a part of the team and his relationship with fellow Alpha Lebron James. There are clips at the end that also absolutely made me emotional...
What I read - I was gifted Tuesdays with Morrie by Carla Pelegrin and it was a great quick read to help re-prioritize life. In speaking to a few individuals after reading it, the lessons you take from the book can differ. The biggest thing I actioned was to speak to those I've had a conflict with and stop letting it possess space in my brain.
What I bought - Two products that have helped with my productivity were purchased this month!
The first is this protein powder that actually dissolves in coffee which is great for my mornings. Trying to wake up early, workout, get my protein and caffeine in can be difficult so anything that helps in that aspect is great. I mix it with a bit of almond milk as well for some extra flavor and it saves me from using a ninja to blend my coffee with protein.
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The second item was this day planner. I've used a weekly planned agenda this year and absolutely loved it but I needed something a bit more structured. This helps me track other priorities aside from the simple to-do list.
What I started - Yoga. The Sens gents ( Rick Hardy Cheam , Matt Jardine , Adam Johnston , Brock Gibson ) motivated me to start hot yoga at our nearby gym back in the day and it's something I've missed. Jesse Zulak starting up his yoga routine motivated me to get youtube back on the TV and do some 15 minutes yoga videos to start my day. Hoping we can get to the 30 minute sessions soon.
Tuesdays with Morrie is a wonderful book! Great post, pal!
I help business owners of Ottawa use commercial real estate as a wealth building tool.
2yLove this Dan!
🔎 Sr Recruitment Consultant | Headhunter | Ottawa-Eastern Ontario |
2yHonoured ;) Namaste.