One minute to save your life

One minute to save your life

Paris‬, ‪Bruxelles‬, ‪Orlando‬, ‪Istanbul‬ ... it never ends
Whether we like it or not, the terrorist threat is here. It is difficult to prevent and its impact can only be limited if all of us cooperate. Many people will experience, in extreme situations, an all encompassing panic that blocks reactions, effectively freezing them, when every second is critical for saving lives. This can be combated by having the prior knowledge that critical situations are not always without solutions.
But how many people have read the government issued advice, on official websites, buried under several links and menus? How many do even know this kind of how-to's exist before something bad happens? The answer is, too few compared to the number of those who might need the information. But why not have the information readily available, in a simple format, easy to understand in a short time?
The governments can easily do that, but their choice is usually a long text document, written in a cryptic language, or a a long and monotone video speech. This tools have their merits, but are not usually on the creative side of sharing the knowledge.A better approach is through short animation, easy to watch and understand for everybody.
It only takes a minute to save your life in case of terrorist threat if you have prior knowledge.

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