Online Asian Business Trends for 2017
How Online Strategies Help Businesses

Online Asian Business Trends for 2017

Consumer expectations change from time to time globally. These changes are commonly brought about by the many recent innovations being offered in the market. Understanding these trends will help every businessman know what their consumers exactly want and are looking for. 

There are many articles and tips not only on the Internet, but even on print media on the subject of establishing brand identity, purpose and recall to consumers. Many have been said about social media babbles, what many of these articles don’t offer information on is the big question that leaves brands thinking, that is, what’s the next thing they can do to stay significant and valued this whole year? Sure, social media has given brands a new way to reach their customers faster, bigger in scale and speed. But you see, social media chatter today has been jaded. Many consumers jump in on whatever bandwagon topics trending online but never really show great CTR conversations for many brands. So while your brand has entertained your consumers for the past 4 years, it will take you more than just entertainment to impress and keep them in the coming months. Butting-in on current events, social trending conversations, responding with real action in real time will win consumers this year. Go with trending chatters that matter, service that is actually good, products that are actually worth their money and campaigns that make sense. 

Innovative approaches are also advisable. Last year there were numerous social media posts made by different people that have exploded on the Internet, but have underlying purposes behind them that many consumers may not have actually observed. It was an approach leaning more on the consumerism psychology. October 2016, a dairy chocolate powdered drink brand jumped in on a famous TV show’s contestant when he posted on social media that if he should win the talent show, he would rent out a van to give out free ready-to-drink chocolate powdered drink to the people in Singapore. The brand, then, took advantage of this opportunity promising support for the contestant whether he wins or loses the show. Within the week it was announced, the brand’s vans were positioned in many sports in Singapore.

Many brands today do not realize it but your response actually matters. The speed of your response, the relevance and details and correctness of your response brings home the bacon. This is the better way to engage consumers in 2017. Although replying faster to consumers on Facebook is still a good thing, it still pays to offer something that will keep you apart of the others. Show genuine concern and interest in your consumers’ concerns through offline responses. Combining both online and offline responses would be great! Find people who can respond about your brand better, people who knows the brand so well. This will give consumers better idea of your brand- who you are, what you offer, and why should they settle with purchasing your product or service. 

If you are just starting your online presence and digital marketing efforts, you may seek assistance from professional companies like CEO SUITE that provides business support from company registration, accounting, secretarial to digital marketing requirements. Get a free consultation now, visit:

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