Overcoming Objections to Hydrogen as an Energy Carrier

Overcoming Objections to Hydrogen as an Energy Carrier

I often come across comments on LinkedIn dismissing hydrogen's potential as a primary energy carrier. To maintain my own peace of mind, I decided to delve into the research and investigate the main objections. The negative comments remind me of the scepticism that often accompanies any new technology, whether it's the shift from horse-drawn carriages to cars or from sailing ships to steam-powered vessels—every technological advance faces resistance from so-called 'experts.' However, just because something is challenging doesn't mean it's impossible.

In this piece, I will explore the technological and policy advancements that address the key concerns commonly raised, supported by recent data and examples.

High Production Costs

Objection: Hydrogen production, especially green hydrogen via electrolysis, is currently too expensive, making it economically unviable.

Answer: The cost of producing green hydrogen is decreasing rapidly due to technological advancements and economies of scale. The International Energy Agency (IEA) notes that electrolyser costs have decreased by 60% since 2010 and are projected to continue falling as production scales up (IEA). Policies like the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) also provide substantial subsidies and tax credits for green hydrogen production, significantly lowering the cost barrier (MIT Technology Review). The European Union's H2Global scheme and the European Hydrogen Bank are also injecting funds into the green hydrogen market to make it more competitive (MIT Technology Review).

Example: The world's largest green hydrogen plant, under construction in NEOM, Saudi Arabia, is expected to produce hydrogen at a competitive cost by leveraging the region's abundant solar and wind resources (IEA).

Storage and Transportation Challenges

Objection: Hydrogen's low density makes it difficult and expensive to store and transport.

Refutation: Advances in hydrogen storage and transportation technologies are overcoming these challenges. Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers (LOHCs) and compressed hydrogen storage are becoming more efficient and cost-effective. For instance, projects in UK and the USA successfully use salt caverns for large-scale hydrogen storage, demonstrating practical solutions for high-capacity storage (IEA) (IEA). Repurposing existing natural gas pipelines for hydrogen transport is another cost-effective strategy being implemented across Europe (McKinsey & Company).

Example: The HyCAVmobil project in Germany is one of several initiatives demonstrating the feasibility of fast-cycling large-scale hydrogen storage (IEA).

Energy Inefficiency

Objection: The process of producing, storing, and converting hydrogen back into energy is less efficient than directly using electricity from renewable sources.

Refutation: While there are efficiency losses in the hydrogen cycle, hydrogen's unique properties make it invaluable for specific applications. Hydrogen can store excess renewable energy, which is critical for balancing grid supply and demand. This capability is particularly important for long-term storage and ensuring energy supply during periods when solar and wind resources are low (IEA). Additionally, hydrogen fuel cells have a higher energy density than batteries, making them suitable for applications requiring long-range and high payload capacities, such as heavy-duty trucks and industrial machinery (McKinsey & Company).

Example: Hydrogen fuel cell buses and trucks, like those being deployed in California, Canada and Japan, are providing zero-emission solutions for heavy-duty transport (IEA)(Reuters).

Safety Concerns

Objection: Hydrogen is highly flammable and poses significant safety risks.

Refutation: Modern hydrogen technology incorporates rigorous safety standards and advanced engineering to mitigate risks. Hydrogen storage and handling systems are designed with multiple safety layers to prevent leaks and manage flammability. The industry adheres to stringent international safety protocols developed through extensive research and real-world testing (IEA) (IEA).

Example: Hydrogen fuel stations, such as those in Japan and South Korea, are operating safely and efficiently, demonstrating that with proper safety measures, hydrogen can be handled securely (IEA).

Limited Infrastructure

Objection: There is insufficient infrastructure to support widespread hydrogen use.

Refutation: Indeed, we currently lack infrastructure. However, investment in hydrogen infrastructure is rapidly increasing worldwide. Countries like Germany, Japan, and the U.S. are significantly expanding their hydrogen infrastructure, including refuelling stations and production facilities. The European Union plans to build 40,000 kilometers of hydrogen pipelines by 2050, creating a robust network for hydrogen distribution (McKinsey & Company) (IEA). The development of hydrogen hubs is also promoting integrated production, storage, and distribution networks (IEA).

Example: The U.S. Department of Energy's $7 billion investment in clean hydrogen hubs is a key initiative to create a comprehensive hydrogen infrastructure across the country (MIT Technology Review).

Carbon Footprint of Current Production Methods

Objection: Most hydrogen today is produced from fossil fuels, which negates its environmental benefits.

Refutation: Although grey hydrogen (from natural gas) is prevalent today, the transition to green hydrogen is accelerating. Investments in renewable energy and technological advancements are increasing the production capacity of green hydrogen. By 2050, green hydrogen is expected to dominate the market, accounting for up to 65% of the global hydrogen supply (McKinsey & Company). Government policies and financial incentives are crucial in driving this transition, ensuring that green hydrogen becomes the primary source of hydrogen production (MIT Technology Review) (IEA).

Example: China, the largest producer of renewable energy, is leading the way in green hydrogen production, with plans to expand its capacity significantly and build extensive hydrogen transportation infrastructure (McKinsey & Company) (IEA).


The objections to hydrogen as an energy carrier are being systematically addressed through technological advancements, infrastructure development, and supportive policies. As these efforts continue, hydrogen is poised to become a cornerstone of the global transition to a sustainable and decarbonised energy future.

For more insights and stories from the world of hydrogen please follow me Paul Meersman .

Paul Meersman is the Global Head of Marketing and Communications at Triton Hydrogen . Follow our company page here.


Agricultural Science|Soil Scientists|Sourcer|Supervisor|GreenHydrogenDevelopment/


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Joshua W.

Compliance Control Officer at Magnolia Energy partners LLC


Thanks for the Insights and overview

Paul Meersman

Igniting Growth and Shaping Change | Storyteller | Writer | Analyst | Marketer | AI Engineer | Photographer | Filmmaker


Researcher at CGU, Mechanical Maintenance Engineering


Fantastic insights into the future of hydrogen as an energy source! 🌍 It's exciting to see how technological advancements and global investments are tackling the challenges head-on. The shift to green hydrogen, in particular, is a game-changer for sustainable energy. Looking forward to seeing how this unfolds in the coming years! 🚀

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