Pay Attention When Something Won't Leave You Alone

Pay Attention When Something Won't Leave You Alone

Got time for a story? You may need to read this one.

In the early spring of 2023, I was working as a franchise development manager for a company, doing quite well, near the top of the leaderboard, pretty consistently helping 5 to 10 people per month open their franchises, executing my job description well with fun people. But as someone whose nature is to always be contributing, elevating, expanding, and leveling up as a professional, I was struggling with feeling stifled, restrained, held back, and had been for several months. I was also about two years into my business coaching practice, closing in on 2,000 new and aspiring business owners who had paid me to help them open or scale their businesses in one industry, and continuously being asked by people to help them begin businesses in other industries as well, which I felt a little less qualified to do.

One day, while hosting a dinner and drinks meetup of my coaching clients in Atlanta, I got one of those unsolicited “spam” messages through LinkedIn. “Your background suggests you would make an outstanding franchise broker. Have you ever considered opening your own brokerage?”

I ignored the message.

A few days later another message came from the same source with a similar message. I ignored that one as well. And then a third came, inviting me to have a 15-minute call. This time I responded, agreeing to a call. I got a text inviting me to schedule the call. I didn’t. Then another text came. Then a call came that I didn’t answer. They then went silent. But now, I found myself thinking about those messages with increasing frequency, wondering to myself, “What the hell is a franchise broker anyway?” Soon, I was thinking about it every day. I finally googled “franchise broker” and realized that I was already doing what franchise brokers do, quite well. What if I could own my own company, doing what I’m already doing well, create a company culture that I could be excited about, that would help many others, and allow me to elevate, expand, and level up professionally and financially, freely, on my own terms, restrained only by my own vision and imagination and not someone else’s?

I made the call, which then led to an hour-long discovery call, which then led to validation calls with other brokers, which then led to a call with the founder and CEO of the Franchise Brokers Association. This then led to a significant financial investment, 200 hours of training, Federal Trade Commission certification, a week in Orlando, and the opening of Quantum Franchise Group where I can now help people open businesses with not just one company in one industry, but over 800 companies in 40 industries.

During my week in Orlando with the owner, executives, and team at the Franchise Brokers Association I was taken aback by a culture I can describe with four words. Love, light, integrity, and fun. During our social hour one evening the founder and CEO came and sat next to me and spent an hour focused on learning more about me as a human being and what I wanted out of life, personally and professionally, and how she and her team could help make those things happen. They even made a really big deal about my birthday, which happened that week!

Quantum Franchise Group is about 4 months old. According to the folks at the association my brokerage/consulting firm is outpacing many other new brokerages in terms of progress at this stage in their life. I’ve grown to 367 candidates (as of today) at various stages of exploring franchise ownership, have several going through the process with great companies in different industries with some getting close to closing in the next 30 days or so, and could see earnings in Q4 that are nearly double my annual income with the company I worked for, all while helping individuals for free, helping great companies expand, and helping reinforce local small business ownership in communities.

What excites me most is that everything I do at Quantum Franchise Group is about helping other people. I’m helping men and women make the dream of business ownership a reality for themselves and their families with businesses they love. My brokerage is the catalyst for the coming formation of a new franchise talent acquisition division of an existing company that will help struggling talent search professionals revitalize their own earnings by reengineering to source franchise owner talent for me to introduce to my portfolio of 800+ companies. And in Q4 I’ll begin adding agents to my brokerage to help them build their own lucrative businesses, while helping aspiring business owners make the dream of business ownership a reality, under the umbrella of my company. And in the next couple of weeks I’ll be relaunching my coaching practice to help aspiring independent, non-franchise, business owners get from idea to grand opening through the Business Builder Bootcamp.

All of this has happened because an opportunity found me, sought me out, and wouldn’t leave me alone until I responded. I sincerely believe that there are unseen forces at work on our behalf, in our favor, that, when listened to and responded to, will move us in the direction of our greatest happiness and fulfillment. I’ve known since childhood I was supposed to teach and help people. I’ve known since my early 20’s that business ownership was supposed to be a big part of my life. I’ve known since 2006 that helping people elevate personally and professionally was meant to be a theme of my life story. And I know now that the more we listen to and cooperate with the universe, God, fate, destiny, however you wish to label it, the more likely you are to live the life you were created to live and enjoy.

If a connection, an opportunity, a possibility, an idea, a vision, or a dream has been incessantly nagging at you, not letting you go, not letting you sleep, not letting you concentrate…stop what you’re doing. Listen. Respond. Act. I think you’ll be glad you did.

If you feel a draw toward opening your own franchise brokerage, or joining my team as an agent, or opening a franchise with one of our 800+ companies, I'd love to speak with you.

Keith Liscio

Award-Winning Franchise Broker | I help aspiring entrepreneurs achieve work/life balance and financial independence through franchise ownership.


William, you've already added so much to our association and I've learned so much from you. Glad to be associated with such an inspiring leader.

Sabrina Wall

CEO, Entrepreneur, Franchise Leader, Presence Leader


Wow! This is such an incredible, authentic, and inspiring article. You are an exceptional human being. I’m so grateful to have the opportunity to work with you.

Rick Medina

Membership Relations Officer at The Franchise Brokers Association


A true pleasure to read William! Sending my sincerest gratitude.

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