Payday Giving: the equivalent of a coffee a day can make a real difference
Giving every payday to a collective fund, with grassroots connections, will help provide essential community servcies.

Payday Giving: the equivalent of a coffee a day can make a real difference

Did you every wonder how you could help? The problems of the world sometimes feel too big, where do you start?

Desmond Tutu once wisely said that “there is only one way to eat an elephant: a bite at a time.” What he meant by this is that everything in life that seems overwhelming, and even impossible can be accomplished gradually by taking on just a little at a time.

Payday giving is about giving just a little at a time, and with the knowledge that others are also doing similar small donations people and communities are being helped. Through this collective giving we can be the catalyst for helping people in their time of need and giving a hand up to a better place.

Payday giving is a small but effective way to make a big change in the lives of those in your community who are finding life a little tougher right now. 

If you donate just $5 each week to Catalytic Foundation, in a year you will give us $260 to support local charities who are providing grass roots care in your community. The best bit is that we supply a tax receipt so you can claim one-third of your donation back at the end of the financial year. So really, your $260 donation ends up costing around $170! 

That's a win for everyone!

If you would like to make that change today, visit

We would love to have you on board! 

#charity #charitynz #community #giving

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