Personal Brands > Company Pages

Personal Brands > Company Pages

Welcome to our Newsletter!

Everyday, in every corner of the World, small moments in business work together and multiply over time… ultimately creating outsized outcomes out of those shared moments.

Those outsized outcomes happen when we take active control of our Personal Brands, share our uniqueness, and discover the possibilities and opportunities that occur from the world’s response to our voices.

In a nutshell, this is what Fist Bump delivers for Business Owners and C-Suite Executives.

We were founded in 2023 with the idea that Fist Bumps communicate connection, relationship, and trust (versus just a handshake).

Anyone in business will shake your hand.

  • It’s polite
  • It’s expected
  • But… It has no emotion, no connection

Fist Bumps are different. Special.

Handshakes are Free. Fist Bumps are Earned.

They’re harder to come by and just mean more.

Since our beginning, we’ve enjoyed creating solutions and winning moments for our Clients, and helping Executives, Teams, and Individual Producers grow their Personal Brands in ways they never imagined.

It isn’t easy.

It takes commitment and courage.

Authenticity and humanity.

Technology and the right partners.

A willingness to push against your current comfort zone.

What we’ve found (not just for ourselves), but our Clients as well, is that what lies outside that comfort zone is a combination of growth and opportunity that is only achieved through growing your Personal Brand.

What’s a Personal Brand?

It’s the embodiment of You.

Personal Branding is the intentional process of defining and expressing your values, skills, and experiences to create a public-facing identity for yourself.

Executive holding a tablet, eating an apple in an office

In order to experience this novelty, you have to first become a novice. 

This is where Fist Bump helps. As mentioned, it doesn’t come naturally. Pushing through our comfort zones and discovering what’s on the other side gets easier with the right partners and technology to guide us.

In today’s world of cluttered messages, it’s getting harder and harder to rise above the noise and stand out. Some might think that the act of building their Personal Brands online just adds to the noise, but in fact, by communicating more of who you are and what defines you, you’re messaging and meeting with people in the ways we all prefer.

Gen X CEOs and Executives like Satya Nadella and Elon Musk all have way more followers and engagement online vs the companies they represent. While those are obvious examples at global companies that everyone knows, at the end of the day:

People buy from people and follow people, not companies. Thought leaders and executives of companies, regardless of size or industry, have that same opportunity.

Our Monthly Newsletter

On the 3rd Wednesday of every month we’ll put a spotlight on Business Owners and C-Suite Leaders that we’ve had the opportunity to work with and grow their Personal Brands: 

  • We’ll share strategies and insights from real-world examples of Clients we’re working with. 

  • We’ll show examples of digital content and creative work where we’ve collaborated with customers.
  • We’ll share statistics and learnings from the Personal Brands Industry and provide key takeaways for you and your business.

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