Pervasive Individual Targeting and Cancel Culture Politics is a Widespread Problem in the United States of America...
The United States of America prides itself on being one of the most advanced nations on the planet, having a well-developed government infrastructure powered by individual members of the House of Representatives and Congress, elected by the people, for the people, and to serve the people. Yet, it turns blind eye to the individual destruction of the existence of certain individuals "targeted" for exposing any bipartisan efforts implemented by the current members of government for constructing policies within the current system which does not favor the people.
Further, there are groups of organized individuals, most of which represent foreign nations (and bearing an added extra layer of diplomatic immunity) that are "lawfully" retained to carry out the most egregious and undemocratic assault on any citizen, robbing them of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, because they chose to exercise their right to free speech and freedom of inquiry into unsound, harmful policies which only serve to promote the interests of foreign nationals over that of United States Citizens.
It's a wonder the media continues in a frenzy to criticize the Russian government for the death of Alexei Navalny for his role in the criticism of the Russian government, when the same has happened to United States citizens in essentia on U.S. Soil without any added protection or even a mechanism to terminate the harassment and destruction.
Over the next couple months, I will expose at great length, how certain members of Congress and global stakeholders engage in the "targeting" of individuals, and the "wrath" that is unleashed upon those individuals, all in the name of "cancel culture politics".
Please stay tuned...