The power of emotion in branding

The power of emotion in branding

As a marketing manager, you are faced with the challenge of developing impactful strategies that not only grab attention but also leave a lasting impression. In the realm of brand activation and branding, one element often distinguishes an ordinary campaign from one that captures hearts: emotion.

Emotion as the driving force

In a world becoming increasingly digitized, it remains essential to establish a human connection between brands and consumers. Emotion is the key to creating this profound connection. People may not remember every detail of an advertisement, but they do recall how a brand made them feel. It's something I've been fascinated with since a young age - why do people remember things, how do memories work and what emotions are involved? Even in my thesis research on the scent of memories this theme emerged as a common thread in many of my design and research endeavors.

Telling a personal story

The goal as a marketing manager is not just to sell a product but also to tell a story that resonates with the target audience. Emotion provides the means to achieve this. Consider successful brand activation campaigns that center around the stories of people. By showcasing genuine emotions, you make your brand accessible and authentic.

Examples from practice

Let's explore some inspiring examples. Think of the "Share a Coke" campaign where Coca-Cola placed people's names on the bottles. This simple gesture created a sense of personal connection, leading people to share their experiences on social media, causing the campaign to go viral.

Another recurring example, one we all know, is the annual Christmas advertising. Each year, various heartwarming stories touch us with puppies, gifts, and food, but above all, relatable situations. While the aim is to promote products, the sense of togetherness takes center stage, building an emotional connection with the brand.

The science behind emotion in marketing

Scientific research supports the power of emotion in marketing. Neurological studies indicate that emotions play a crucial role in decision-making. By activating the emotional centers of the brain, marketers can deeply anchor the brand in the consumer's memory.

Practical tips for emotional brand activation

  1. Know your audienceUnderstand the emotions of your target audience and tailor your approach accordingly. What are their values, fears and dreams? Understanding this allows you to design a campaign that resonates with their emotions.
  2. Tell StoriesCreate stories with an emotional impact. This could be the success story of a customer, the inspiring story of your company or even the evolution of a product. Stories have the power to touch people.
  3. Visual Impact:Utilize visual elements that evoke emotions. Think of powerful images, videos, or even colors that enhance the desired emotion.
  4. Consistency and authenticity:Be consistent in conveying emotions and ensure authenticity. Consumers can discern when a brand is genuine, enhancing credibility.


As a marketing manager, we have the opportunity to redefine brand activation and branding by embracing the power of emotion. Build a bridge between your brand and the hearts of your audience. By using emotion as the driving force, you can not only increase brand awareness but also cultivate long-lasting relationships.

Let's strive together for marketing that is not just about products but also about creating meaningful experiences that resonate with people.


Danique Lemmers

Isabella L Thomas

Senior Marketing Student at University of Northern Colorado | Career focus in Advertising


Thank you for sharing this insightful article. Connecting with consumers plays a key role in any marketing effort. Creating these connections enhances brand loyalty and also attracts potential consumers.

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