The power of forgiveness
Dear ……,
True forgiveness is one of the most powerful and liberating gifts you can give yourself. A life filled with open forgiveness is a life filled with grace. Forgiveness offers a path to freedom on all levels of your being and can be one of the easiest and most genuine forms of liberation you can experience, both in business and personal life.
Why forgiveness?
The effects of forgiveness extend beyond your own life; they resonate in the lives of everyone involved. This also applies when something is blocking you in a business setting. Here’s an excerpt from my previously published book Multifunctional Laws for More Happiness and Success:
“Remember that forgiveness dispels lower vibrations. It purifies you and enables you to create new possibilities from a neutral state. Through forgiveness, you can dissolve blocks and disturbed areas of consciousness, allowing you to vibrate closer to your quantum self. Don’t let your life be dictated by others, patterns, or imposed conditioning. Forgiveness will liberate both you and the other person (it works subconsciously in the whole field). Once you forgive, the release happens immediately, as there is no such thing as time and space. You are rewriting your past. Forgiveness is an energy that influences the entire universe.”
However, forgiveness must be sincere. Without sincerity, it becomes a meaningless exercise.
To truly forgive with your whole heart, you must dare to open your heart, face the pain, and release it. By forgiving yourself and others, you reclaim control over your life and step out of the victim role.For more information, you can look into this scientific research.
The multifunctional law of forgiveness
The MultiLaw of Forgiveness has a multifunctional aspect. First, you apply forgiveness for yourself, freeing yourself from low vibrations and resentment. Forgiveness also elevates your energy, allowing you to emit positive emotions into the universe, or the quantum field. This new vibration attracts new, aligned outcomes into your life.
Your thoughts and emotions carry a certain vibration that attracts similar energy from the quantum field, which is often referred to as an electromagnetic field. Emotions are magnetic, and thoughts are electric. This means that whatever emotions you carry will always have an impact on your life. Moreover, the autonomic nervous system reflects the coherence between the heart and brain.
Curious about how forgiveness affects your overall happiness? Explore the deep relationship between forgiveness and life satisfaction in this insightful article.
The impact of not forgiving
Holding onto unforgiveness means you are carrying a low vibration. The quantum field always responds to who you are and your entire identity, attracting similar situations with a low vibration. The vibrational level of your emotions enriches or diminishes both your personal and professional life, which determines your outcomes.
Backed by science
Interestingly, science supports this concept. Many studies show that the quantum field, also known as the universe, is made up of particles, information, frequency, and energy. Energy is always present, vibrating in and around us, and everything is filled with energy. Energy never disappears—it can increase or decrease, rise or fall. This means that everything is possible at any given moment. Everything is potentially present right now.
Your inner self also consists of information and energy. Thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and your blueprint are all infused with and made of information and energy. We create from the inside out. That means you can elevate your energy through forgiveness.
Want to dive deeper into the science behind energy and how it impacts us? Read more here.
Forgiveness is a fundamental principle to apply and is one of the keys to manifesting intentionally. From a scientific point of view, when you’ve deeply forgiven and meditated on it, you change your brain and biology. This deep meditation leads to a new emotional state, as you’ve altered the information in the field. This also results in new resonant situations.
Reflect on the power of forgiveness and consider how it can enrich your life and the lives of those around you. By embracing forgiveness, you not only give yourself a gift, but you also change the energy you send out into the universe. It’s time to become the director of your own life.
Personal experience
Years ago, I found it incredibly challenging to forgive, especially when it came to myself. From the age of seven, I suffered from severe allergies, intense itching, and welts on my skin. My mother and sister applied powder to my skin daily, and I often scratched myself until I bled. This led to thicker skin and a deep-rooted belief that I wasn’t good enough. These patterns eventually led to a burnout that affected both my physical and mental health.
However, through years of self-reflection, studying personal development, and learning from great teachers like Louise Hay and Deepak Chopra, I discovered the transformative power of thoughts and energy. I realized that my allergies were a manifestation of deeper, unresolved emotional issues. Forgiving myself and others became a crucial part of my healing journey, helping me to release old patterns and embrace my true potential.
If you ever feel overwhelmed by frustration or stress, know that you are not alone.
I am here to support you on your journey. Feel free to reach out whenever you need help!
Inner Knowing
In hindsight, I know that the allergy wasn’t the core issue. I knew something wasn’t right, and this was one of the main reasons I started deep research on my own. This began early in my younger years. I felt a deep inner knowing but couldn’t access it. All I felt inside was: “This can’t be all there is to life; there must be more, there must be a force I can draw upon.” I felt it, but I didn’t know how to access it or where to start. I still had a long way to go.
When I read one of my first books on personal growth, I finally received confirmations of my inner knowing. I read The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale, You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay, and The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra. I even recorded Chopra's book on tape and listened to it daily because I was determined to understand how the energy field works in connection with humans. I found this, and still find this, fascinating. I was deeply involved in personal growth, but I struggled with myself every day. Until I realized that the itching and welts started to subside.
My first small success had been achieved. This experience gave me hope, and it was all due to the power of my thoughts.
It started with reading a few books, but that was just the beginning. I pursued courses and certifications in personal growth and development, participated in retreats, completed a coaching program, and explored topics like EFT (Emotionally Focused Therapy) and the chakras. I met Roy Martina, one of my first teachers. Under his guidance, I learned to trust my inner strength by walking on hot coals and bending an iron bar with my throat alongside someone else. These were powerful metaphors for overcoming negative patterns and fears. That was the third time in my twenties that I experienced firsthand how we can positively use the body and brain’s innate intelligence. The first times were at home, where I became skilled at applying methods myself. This led to several transformations, one of which was healing from bulimia. This truly came from the power of my thoughts and inner knowing.
At first, I tried to understand myself, questioning why I had hurt myself, acting from a destructive perspective, maintaining recurring behaviors and patterns. Why was I afraid to feel? These recurring patterns apply to every addiction. Bulimia is also a form of trying to control something and the urge for addiction. This helped me gain more understanding of myself and find peace. Self-reflection was a gift. It allowed me to forgive myself, my inner child, and free myself from this pattern that was so deeply ingrained in my brain. I retrained my brain, creating new behavior.
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I forgave myself, learned to deal with, and love my inner child.
Finally, during an emotional balance weekend, my allergy flared up one last time during a deep emotional experience—only in my lips and eyes. At that moment, I knew and felt that this allergy had also been resolved.
At one point, I had trained myself so well that I could implement significant changes in my life. Years later, I delved into the science behind it and made the scientific explanations my own. I then learned through various (self-)studies how to optimize yourself, overcome addictions, and heal deeply ingrained destructive patterns through meditation and other brain techniques. Deep meditations cause your body to relax, rest, and heal, but also give you access to new information and potential, rewiring your brain. As a result, you start thinking differently. It regenerates cells and changes your inner world. Through meditation, my energy merged with the new images I consciously introduced. These became new inner experiences in a new timeline. For me, this meant that I saw myself healthy, happy, and content in all areas. I saw myself with healthy patterns. I saw that I was allowed to exist and that I could easily stand up for myself. A healthy body with healthy patterns and healthy thoughts. This led to significant changes in my health—another success achieved.
Science shows that just through thinking and meditating, you can actually change neurotransmitters, hormones, genes, even proteins and enzymes.
The real issue behind my burnout was the behavior I exhibited: it didn’t align with my personal values or the energy I wanted to project. I adapted, held back, and didn’t speak my truth. This led to a feeling of disconnection—not only from my surroundings but also from myself. The mismatch between what I did and who I truly was created an inner struggle that undermined my job satisfaction. I felt trapped in an environment where I had to work too hard for too little result. This dissatisfaction stemmed not only from my circumstances but also from the choices I made and the values and deep knowledge I ignored.
The stress and frustration I experienced weren’t just personal struggles; they were also signals that it was time for a radical change. This realization was a major breakthrough.
Multifunctional Life-Changing Laws
In my late twenties, I decided to quit my legal career and focus on the multiverse, the unified energy field, in relation to us as human beings (body and mind) and universal law (the holistic side). I wanted to dedicate my career fully to personal development and body consciousness in connection with life. I decided to fully develop this and substantiate it scientifically as thoroughly as possible. Through life experiences, conducting multiple studies, and applying most of this first to myself, the MultiLaws were born. These are multifunctional, life-changing laws. Applying these laws, also known as quantum laws, is key to (more) success, happiness, and health. I help others with this, and I also want to inspire and show how powerful we are as human beings.
Recognize This?
Do you recognize the feeling of frustration or stress or that you just are not able to forgive? You may have outgrown a phase in your life or work. Maybe it’s time to take the leap to a new level of growth and development. Remember, you are not alone on this journey. If you need help, know that I’m always here for you. Together, we can take the steps you need to grow and embrace your true potential. Feel free to reach out to me!
Every evening, reflect on your day. Ask yourself: Have I behaved as the person I want to be? Have I been true to myself and my intentions? If not, reimagine the day. Visualize how you would have liked to act. Picture yourself aligning your behavior with the person you want to be. What do you say? What do you do? How do you feel? By applying this technique, you are training and reprogramming your brain with new wiring (a precursor to new experiences). Laying down new pathways in the brain also means activating your energy to create something new in your life.
You can also forgive during this reflection.
Explainer: MultiLaw of Forgiveness, your body and the quantumfield
Forgiveness is much more than just being able to live with something. Forgiveness changes not only your behavior, but actually your insides, as well as your neurological connections and biology.
The book Millionaire in Happiness, gives a lot of clarity on this. Also the book by James Clear, Elementary Habits, There are studies in it from neuroscience and the quantum field.
With the power of forgiveness you reprogram yourself every day, so to speak, through imagination and empathy, to select a new possibility in the quantum field, or to place your visualization in the quantum field, what you want to achieve and who you want to be.
Through focused forgiveness, at some point all your energy becomes fused with your newly deployed images, which become your new experiences (future) in a new timeline. You begin each day by already experiencing the day in your mind, or inner mind, as you would want the day to go and what you would do if you were that person you want to be.
This way, it seems to your brain as if the day has already happened and as if you are already that person you want to be, because the brain does not know the difference between that which you experience in your mind and that which you experience in reality.
So by applying this technique, you are training and reprogramming the brain on new wiring (the precursor to new experiences).
As a result, you attract (after training your brain and body daily) the same situation that you have repeated in your mind, i.e., that corresponds to your visualizations, inner and new identity.
In fact, life always works in accordance with your inner state. From this you can conclude that you can make a change only if you adjust or change something in yourself in your behavior and inner state.
This quantum field then causes you to get what your inner experience is. By first feeling what you want, you create what you want. You create a new possibility.
Your emotion, created by forgiveness, then works proactively rather than reactively to the outer world.
Make smart use of this with the MultiLaw of Forgiveness
Do you want to get started with the MultiLaw of Forgiveness? Send me a DM so we can schedule a call.
Warm regards,
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5moPetra van den Berg precies dit!❤
Legacy System Specialist | Reverse-Engineering & Modernization | From Classic ASP to Cloud
5moGoedemiddag Petra, je tekst zet aan tot nadenken. Ik ga zo het artikel lezen maar wat ik me erbij voorstel is dat doordat je iemand vergeeft wat hij of zij je heeft aangedaan, je een interne frustratie kwijtraakt die je daardoor niet meer dwars zit. En daardoor heb je minder negatieve energie en meer ruimte voor andere dingen in je leven. Is dat wat je me wil meegeven?