President's Day Address
Did you know that the original reason for President’s day was to celebrate George Washington’s birthday?
Here’s some fun facts about our growing TKW Community:
LinkedIn: 350
Facebook: 268 in Private Group / 141 in Public Group
Instagram: 1705
Slack Community: 266
While some value the number of “followers” in our society – the numbers that matter most are the numbers tied to the success our community has had in its initial year:
Registered Non-Profit Organization
We obtained Non Profit Status from the IRS – and are following their stringent guidelines so that we can take the next steps of obtaining 501c3 status. We’re keeping the promise to the community and its members that we’re here for the continued growth and support of the community. We’re here solely to live our mission “To bring like minded Technology businesses & individuals together to share knowledge, teach each other by example, while making impactful changes in the community with philanthropy.”
We’re working towards our 501c3- to further solidify our promise of full transparency and support of our mission. We will continue to work until we have this so that our members can benefit from this designation. This will allow the community to engage in new programs – offer more services, and allow all donations made my members and partners to be 100% tax deductible.
We want our community to feel safe – to have faith in our organization – and to continue this incredible journey with us.
Teksgiving ‘22
$175,000 in total Donations & Services to Berachah Church in September 22 completely donated by TKW members & partners.
40+ Teks from across North America in attendance onsite.
25k in CASH raised to support the cause.
200k+ in quantifiable sales made to our vendors that were in attendance and supported our cause.
Recommended by LinkedIn
#TekFit (rounds 1-3!!!)
20+ members took a healthy challenge to support each other’s HEALTHY Goals while having fun. Next round starting soon!
Sticker Swap
50+ members shared their “Swag” w/ the community so that they can help cross promote each other - #communityovercompetition is real here.
Products Made Better by Community Input
5+ Our partners routinely ask the community directly for changes they’d like seen made to their products – and they’ve taken these requests and put them into production. We can proudly say our Partners value our feedback & we can show our changes in the amazing products they make!
Member Teamups!
100+ - this is where members of the community from across the country actively engage with others and work ONSITE with each other in a completely new way. So many of our members are teaming up to tackle new challenges each week and learning new ways to share their skills with each other.
25+ Biweekly Meetings on Fridays where Teks chat about whats going on in their business, new things they’ve learned – and get the chance to be in a virtual room together to hash out topics.
Podcasts & IG Live
25+ Recorded sessions in podcast format AND Live on our Instagram platform allow engagement in a new way. Members and followers can engage directly w/ the team to talk all things technology and learn about new products and services across all facets of technology.
#TekFest ’23
FIRST TEKnowledge Worldwide Conference at Cable & Connections Headquarters in Columbia, SC where 20 hand selected partners can meet with members of our community to showcase, demonstrate share their product knowledge with all that attend. In addition, we will have numerous #TekTalkLive discussing various topics that will help all those in attendance grow their business, learn a new skill and maybe even add to the products and services they currently offer – all FREE of charge. This also gives time for members in a more intimate setting to get to know each other better and continue to support and work with each other on projects in the future.
In just over ONE year – we’ve done so much together, and we’re just getting started. TKW is REVOLUTIONIZING an industry in desperate need of change – we’re breaking through walls and redefining “standards” by keeping on the promises we’ve made to the community by BEING exactly who we say we are. Each of you reading this have put your trust in us, and we value that trust above all. We will continue to break down the stigma made by marketing companies, impersonating as communities, offering nothing but unkept promises in return. We will continue to earn your trust, we will help rebuild faith in community, grow with you each day, and continue to raise the bar by being that leading example of change and support.
Thank you to all on the journey with us. Thank you to all who’ve supported our mission from the beginning – and thank you ESPECIALLY to all of you who were a part of #TeksGiving22 – we’re making an impact because of the contributions of all of you.
To those wondering what it’s like to be a part of something amazing, we’d love you with us. Simply reach out, and we’ll get you in the community – FREE of charge.