A Public-Private Collaborative Project to Transform Liverpool City Region's Bus Network
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority

A Public-Private Collaborative Project to Transform Liverpool City Region's Bus Network

We are thrilled to announce a new international innovation project aimed at revolutionising the bus network in Liverpool City Region Combined Authority , titled "A Big Data Digital Twin of Mass Transit in Liverpool City Region for Smart, Equitable Mobility". Funded by Innovate UK and the Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement (KAIA), this eight-month project unites a diverse team from the UK and South Korea. This international innovation project is a collaborative effort, led by Podaris , researchers from the Consumer Data Research Centre and University of Liverpool ( Heeseo Rain Kwon , Patrick Ballantyne and Alex Singleton ), Liverpool City Region Combined Authority, alongside Korean partners Sundosoft Inc., Busan Techno Park, Busan Metropolitan Government and Pusan National University. This international partnership aims to leverage the latest technological advancements to enhance public transport in the Liverpool City Region. 

Project Deliverables: The core deliverable of this project is the development of a "digital twin" of Liverpool City Region's bus network. Using advanced data modelling techniques and real-time vehicle location data, the digital twin will simulate various transport scenarios, such as route changes and fare adjustments, helping  to reduce delays, optimise journey times, and increase the attractiveness of bus travel. Such enhancements aim  to boost bus patronage by up to 80%, promoting sustainability, liveability, and equity within the region. 

Organisations and Locations Involved: 

  • Podaris Limited (Lead, UK) 

  • University of Liverpool (UK) 

  • Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (UK) 

  • Sundosoft Inc. (South Korea) 

  • Busan Techno Park (South Korea) 

  • Busan Metropolitan Government (South Korea) 

  • Pusan National University (South Korea) 


Chia-Lin Chen

Senior Lecturer in Urban and Regional Planning, Department of Geography and Planning, School of Environmental Sciences


Many Congratulations! Look forward to major changes! That would be great contributions and impacts to assist behaviour changes and modal shift if the punctuality and reliability of bus services could be significantly addressed.

Connor Reed, PhD

Real Estate Analytics at Meijer


Hyun Kim their work may be of interest

Connor Reed, PhD

Real Estate Analytics at Meijer


Stellar! Congrats all!

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