Radio Builds Brands and Drives Results!

Radio Builds Brands and Drives Results!

There is no other media that builds brand awareness like radio. According to the report "Radio: The Brand Multiplier" TV only advertising boosts brand awareness by 23% but when you add radio into the mix it boosts brand awareness by 29%! The study also goes on to say that radio advertising creates the following

  • Increase share of mind
  • A stronger brand association in prospects minds than TV
  • Builds brand awareness among a wider audience

Radio is also much more cost effective than TV. Generally radio is about one-third the price of TV. This is extremely important because repetition is the key to building brand awareness, because radio is so affordable you can increase your frequency in a cost effective way. When analyzing a potential clients business many people ask me what is the most cost effective medium to get started with and most of the time radio makes much more sense. You are able to get a commercial written and produced many times in as little as 24 hours. This makes it easy to change up your message and test new commercials or get a new promotion out there in a short period of time. Don't get me wrong I'm not knocking TV I believe TV is a great outlet but radio is much more cost effective.

Brand awareness and driving results is key when it comes to direct response marketing. In this day and age to many people are living in the past when generic hotlines where used as a lead generation tool. The quality of the response is sub-par to what you get when you run a branded commercial that breaks through the clutter. It's been proven in research studies throughout the years that consumers react much more favorably to a brand name that they recognize. Consumers are much more likely to pick up and call a brand that they recognize and trust rather than a generic name that they happened to hear and called for more information.

Advertisers also have to have realistic expectations when it comes to brand awareness and response depending on what type of company that you are, you can't expect miracles in a week or two. It's important that you sit down with your marketing team or agency and plan out your short term goals and long term goals. Where do you want to be in a month, a quarter and a year from now.

BC Media & Associates is a full service direct response agency that has decades worth of relationships with thousands of radio and TV stations across the country. It's because of these relationships that we are able to secure out clients the best rates available. When you mix the right rates with our in depth analytics you get the best ROI possible. If you need help building your brand and driving quality results please feel free to reach out to me 708-586-2229 or

Reginald Denson

Multicultural Media | Marketing & Sales Executive


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