Asya Egorova Photography


Does artificial intelligence mean simplification of the hiring processes by definition? Will robots replace people in HRM? How should we approach this challenge and is it a challenge at all?

These questions currently awake a lot of concerns among professionals as well among job seekers. Some estimate that in the next future just 10 robots will be able to do the job of 1000 HR-specialists. At the same time the next generation of labor force is growing up with completely new skills due to technological progress. This people will be most probably less concerned about the A.I., than we are now. We perceive the technology sometimes as uncomfortable, too speedy, too overwhelming. The adjustments in professional profiles are not made as fast, as it is required by the changes in the market. But already now there is demand on very specific new profiles, and they will differ even more.

How A.I. can help to align the desires of the labor market and specific skills of job seekers now? The analytic software already gives a support in searching and selecting by the given criteria. On example of or one can try out the whole process. The main constraint here is the provability of information, that is not necessarily given. Why? Because those are human beings who are filling out the profiles. Mistakes, misspellings, weird description, lies etc. can easily deform the appearance of one particular profile.

That means, even taking in account all the technologies, we are forced to take an advantage of personal relationships, recommendations and networking. A.I. now is seen as an assistance to the HR-process. Some believe it is to remain in this position also in the future.

What is your point of view?

>>This article is a short personal review of Hire@Porto Business School

Carmen Santos Lima

PhD Student in Transport Systems | General Manager World of Discoveries | River Sightsseing | Mystic TUA


Can the traditional and the technological coexist?


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