Reflections on a journey of impact

Reflections on a journey of impact

Nurturing sustainable futures with the Electrolux Food Foundation


As I reflect on the path we have traveled with the Electrolux Food Foundation, it is hard to believe it all began in 2016. The vision was clear; to inspire and promote sustainable food habits in society and reduce the environmental footprint of our choices. Little did we know, this mission would evolve into a transformative journey that would touch lives far beyond our initial aspirations.


Gratitude to the exceptional team

At the heart of this incredible journey is the exceptional team at the Electrolux Food Foundation. Since our humble beginnings, their unwavering commitment and passion have been the driving force behind our achievements. From initiating impactful programs to raising awareness, each team member has played a crucial role in shaping our success story.


A privilege to lead change

Leading this work is not just a role; it is a privilege. I often find myself reflecting on the profound opportunity I have been given—the chance to represent and drive meaningful change. Working on behalf of my peers and colleagues to build a more sustainable future is an honor, a responsibility, and a challenge that I carry with pride.


A journey toward 2030: educating and Inspiring

Looking ahead, I am thrilled to share the progress we have made toward our ambitious 2030 goal. The Foundation set out to educate at least 300,000 people on sustainable food habits, and the heartening reality is that we are already more than halfway there. This milestone not only marks the success of our educational initiatives, but it also underscores the growing awareness of the importance of sustainable choices in our communities.

Between 2017 and 2023, we engaged almost 158.000 people in discussions and learning opportunities about sustainable eating, bringing this topic to communities and audiences in more than 40 countries around the globe. This figure includes almost 130.000 children who joined our Food Heroes workshops and are now actively contributing to changing their families’ habits for a sustainable world. This achievement was made possible thanks to the support of AIESEC and many colleagues around the world, and for that we are thankful.

Moreover, through our Like a Chef Program, we trained 235 people in 2023 alone. We helped them get back into the job market by teaching them professional skills and giving them a fresh sustainability perspective, more important than ever in today’s culinary industry.

Also, thanks to our valuable partner Worldchefs and their educational program Sustainability Education, we have educated around 11.000 culinary professionals and students since its launch to help change the way we eat and think about food.  


Surpassing goals in meal donations: a testament to generosity

In addition to our educational strides, there is a remarkable achievement that fills me with pride. We have not only met our 2030 goal for meals donated to people in need, but we have also surpassed them. Since 2017, we have contributed more than three million meals, achieving this target seven years ahead of schedule. This accomplishment speaks volumes about the generosity of our supporters and the effectiveness of our initiatives in addressing food insecurity.

Powerful partnerships for positive impact

Our journey has been marked by the impact of incredible local and global partnerships. These collaborations have been pivotal in bringing positive change to the people living in our communities. Through partnerships, both locally and globally, we have demonstrated how the Electrolux Group and the Electrolux Food Foundation are equipped and ready to support those in need and contribute positively to the world and the future of our planet.

The Feed the Planet Partnership, established by Worldchefs and powered by the Electrolux Food Foundation and the powerful global network of AIESEC, has earned a role as a leader in the needed transformation of the food sector by educating many parts of our society to eat and cook more sustainably, while sharing a common vision to make a positive concrete impact on the future of our planet.


Hopeful vision for 2024 and beyond

As we step into 2024, I feel motivated and am filled with hope. The challenges ahead are opportunities for growth and a call to action for us all. The urgency to change the way we produce, consume and store food cannot be denied or ignored. While the world sees record-breaking temperatures and the effects of climate change become more evident, we are faced with a great responsibility to act.

There is much more to be achieved, and I am confident that our foundation will continue to be a catalyst for positive change. Here is to the challenges we will overcome, the impact we will make, and the sustainable food habits we will inspire in the years to come!

An invitation to join our journey

In closing, I extend my heartfelt thanks to our dedicated team, partners and supporters. Together, we can make a difference that extends far beyond the confines of the Foundation. I also extend an invitation to all my colleagues at Electrolux Group and anyone else who feels passionate about promoting sustainable eating and cooking habits. Join us on this journey of positive change; your involvement can contribute to a more sustainable future for everyone.

#ElectroluxFoodFoundation #Sustainability #FeedThePlanet

Congratulations to all these great achievements Cosimo Scarano & team🌟

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