Reimagining our Region - July Issue

Reimagining our Region - July Issue

A round-up of our latest news, insights, and industry reports on hot topics from the region.

eMobility Outlook 2024: UAE Edition

In the UAE's ambitious drive towards eMobility, significant strides have been made in electrifying transportation. With a goal to decarbonise infrastructure and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, the UAE aims to have electric and hybrid vehicles comprise 50% of all vehicles on its roads by mid-century, alongside a substantial increase in renewable energy generation. 

Currently, Dubai leads with a growing fleet of electric vehicles, reflecting the nation's commitment to sustainable mobility. Public sector incentives and infrastructure development play pivotal roles in accelerating this transition, aligning with UAE Vision 2021's focus on a sustainable future. Learn more, read the full report: 

Stay tuned for our KSA cut!

‘KSA Country Partner of the Year 2024’ by Microsoft

PwC and Microsoft are market-making across industries and regions, as demonstrated by our success at the 2024 Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards. Globally, we have been awarded more than 20 times for our leadership in transforming some of the world’s largest companies with our business advisory services and Microsoft technology.

At PwC, we are human-led and tech-powered to help businesses build and deliver trust to their stakeholders. PwC is its own “client zero” in AI, and we are constantly innovating internally to provide trusted solutions for our clients. 

The Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards acknowledge outstanding successes and innovations by partners in over 100 countries and in a wide variety of categories and industries, including AI-led transformation and social impact.

As PwC Middle East, we’re proud of our collaboration with Microsoft, which has been pivotal in delivering large-scale projects. Congrats to our KSA team for winning the ‘Country Partner of the Year 2024’, which reaffirms our commitment to delivering innovative solutions and excellence in all our projects, cementing our position as the trusted partner to Microsoft for digital transformation across the Kingdom and Middle East. 

Read more:

واقع الاستدامة في الشرق الأوسط في العام 2024- إزالة العقبات

يشكّل هذا العام حتى هذه اللحظة، محطة حافلة بالإنجازات على مستوى الاستدامة في الشرق الأوسط. وقد تجلّى ذلك من خلال المقاربات الفعالة التي انتهجتها الشركات لإزالة العقبات في سبيل تحقيق أجندات الاستدامة الخاصة بها. ونلاحظ أن شركات عدة وضعت الاستدامة بكامل أركانها في صلب استراتيجياتها وعملياتها سعيًا إلى ترجمة هذا الزخم من طموح إلى واقع. وعليه، أصبح الافتقار إلى التمويل، الذي كان يومًا إحدى أكبر العقبات في هذا السياق، في طور التداعي. إلا أن ذلك لا ينفي الحاجة إلى جهود سريعة من القطاع الخاص والجهات الحكومية معاً من أجل الحفاظ على هذا الزخم.

يشير الاستطلاع الذي أجريناه بعنوان "واقع الاستدامة في الشرق الأوسط في العام 2024: تذليل العقبات"، إلى تصدّر أجندة الاستدامة والممارسات ذات الصلة الواجهة. وتكشف البيانات عن نقلة نوعية لقادة الشركات نحو تضمين مبادئ الاستدامة في استراتيجيات أعمالهم الأساسية وإجراء تغييرات هيكلية جذرية. والجدير بالذكر أن عددًا متزايدًا من الشركات عيّنت بالفعل رئيسًا تنفيذيًا لشؤون الاستدامة أو مسؤولاً تنفيذيًا تقع على عاتقه مسؤولية قيادة أجندة الاستدامة وتعزيز المبادرات ذات الصلة. اقرأ المزيد:

Welcome to our 2024 Interns

We are excited to announce the launch of our 2024 Summer Internship Programme across the Middle East. This summer, we welcomed over 200 interns who will be with us for the next few weeks, learning about the firm and working closely with our teams to support clients. 

Our interns began their journey with a two-day hybrid induction, featuring networking opportunities, an introduction to our firm, office tours, and various training sessions. Now, they are diving into their respective Lines of Service until August, honing their skills both personally and professionally.

Join us in welcoming our summer interns and supporting them as they develop their talents and embark on this exciting journey!

Interested in joining our firm, learn more about internship opportunities here: 

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Zahid Irfan

Supply Chain Professional with 17+ Years Exp. in MENA| Expert in Logistics, Planning, Forecasting, Inventory Mgmt. & Cost Reduction, Change & Risk Mgmt. | Passionate about Streamlining Operations and Driving Efficiency.


Best of luck!


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