Remembering the August 2021 Earthquake - 3 Years Later

Remembering the August 2021 Earthquake - 3 Years Later

Dear Friends and Supporters,

On August 14, 2021, southern Haiti experienced a 7.2-magnitude earthquake, resulting in lives lost, families displaced, and vital public infrastructure interruptions. Three years after the disaster, we remember those we lost, recognize our team's resilience and dedication, and look forward to what we’ll continue to accomplish with your support. Below are a few updates from our team members in the field about their experiences and work since the earthquake. 

Stories From the Field

Economic Development Program Manager, Wilner Saint-Preux ( Saint-Preux Wilner ):

To empower our partner communities to be more resilient after the earthquake of August 2021, more than 50 small- and medium-sized enterprises received technical and financial assistance from Hope For Haiti. Additionally, more than 450 farmers received livestock to reinforce their herds destroyed by the earthquake, based on needs identified by our Economic Development Team. These initiatives were taken to enable beneficiaries to get back on their feet after the shocks of the event. 

To stimulate women's empowerment, 16 Village Savings and Loans Association (VSLA) groups have been implemented in seven communities, giving vulnerable families a chance to save and obtain credit to create and strengthen small businesses, buy seeds, and even give their children access to education thanks to loans obtained from VSLA groups.

Curriculum and Training Specialist, Romel Jean-Pierre ( Romel Jean Pierre ):

Since the 2021 earthquake, our Education team has been working diligently to restore damaged classrooms and school buildings. Our team has repaired 17 classrooms, constructed 29 brand-new classrooms, and inaugurated 5 new schools since August 2021. Now, approximately 7,400 students are enrolled in Hope for Haiti partner schools, a number that has been growing steadily.

This influx of students comes as a result of the increased classroom availability and safety, as well as the relocation of families from Port-au-Prince to the Sud Department. We are still in the process of assessing partner schools for damage and peek child safety, so our work continues!

Public Health Program Manager, Consuelo Alzamora ( Consuelo Alzamora ):

The earthquake that struck Haiti on August 14 is an event that I will never forget, as the experience profoundly marked my life. The magnitude of the destruction and the overwhelming number of injured individuals left an indelible impact on me and our entire community. At that time, I was working with Foundation Tous Ensemble (FONTEN), one of Hope for Haiti's in-country healthcare partners.

Immediately following the earthquake, the support we received from Hope for Haiti was crucial. Hope for Haiti provided kits for patients and people with disabilities, as well as essential support for the team. This assistance allowed us to continue our mission despite the obstacles, helping those who needed it most. 

Make a Difference Now

Impact In Action - A Snapshot

Here’s just some of what our team has completed since the earthquake:

  • Provided more than 100,000 patient consultations each year since 2021, marking a nearly 400% increase in patient load since before the earthquake.
  • Distributed over 300,000 pounds of food to 3,000+ vulnerable families in our partner communities and other vulnerable families in the Sud department immediately after the earthquake, as well as more than 50,000 hot meals to students through our school lunch program.
  • Provided more than $431,000 in unconditional cash assistance to more than 2,400 earthquake victims using Digicel’s MonCash system to support vetted farmers, community health workers, teachers, entrepreneurs, and others whose livelihoods were affected by the earthquake. Women and other vulnerable populations were prioritized.
  • Repaired 17 classrooms, constructed 29 brand-new classrooms, and inaugurated 5 new schools, providing partner communities with safe, child-friendly outlets for education.
  • Distributed upwards of $88 million in medicine, oral rehydration solution, vitamins, and personal protective equipment to both patients at our Infirmary St. Etienne and mobile clinics and our 50+ in-country healthcare partners between June 2021 and June 2024.

We couldn't do this vital work without supporters like you. So today, on the third anniversary of the August 14th earthquake, we ask that you consider making a gift to help support children, parents, and grandparents in southern Haiti.


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Some Hope for Haiti Team Members on LinkedIn:

Skyler Badenoch , Taylor Hebble , Bob Mirakian , Yvette Ebb , Linda Thelemaque , Monica Perez , Briana Beauvoir , Alexa Nargi , Dr. Maritza Pierre Dietrich , Marie Magdala SAINTIL , Herns Jean Dede , Meg Jean Louis

Marek Chrapa

R&D, Process Engineer and Inventor | Materials + Semiconductors | Physics Chemistry Optics Fluid Mechanics| Weather and Climate Engineering | Earthquake and Extreme Weather Predictions, Holographic Climate Global Model


Earthquake predictions confirmation:  1) Nr 66 - Kamchatka 7.0 M - predicted 3 days in advance:  2) Nr 68 Fresh result - earthquake prediction confirmation - again 3 days in advance Japan 5,2M Link to confirmed 60 + earthquake predictions ( just in the first 1.5 month of rough testing and predictions operation ): Link to confirmed predictions of flash floods and extreme weather risk events: *** Securing invention Holographic cymatic climate model ** Marek Chrapa asking WMO. UNDRR, UNO, meteorologists, scientists, and companies for collaboration projects. Ai predicted savings of many people's lives and money in the range 2-4 trillion savings for UNO, WMO, UNDDR, Red Cross, insurance companies, business owners, and families thanks to my invention. 


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