The role of Diversity in Arvato Italia

The role of Diversity in Arvato Italia

“As a global company, we believe that a diverse and inclusive workforce is essential to our success and a guiding principle of Bertelsmann's culture and shared values. And although we still have progress to make, we are committed to making a difference. The Bertelsmann workforce is as diverse as the markets it serves. That's why we need a working environment that is inclusive and recognizes, supports and appreciates the similarities and the differences of every employee” ["Diversity at Bertelsmann in the USA"]

This quote is an extract from the Corporate Responsibility document about the Diversity at Bertelsmann. Bertelsmann’s goal is to improve the recruitment and the development of the talented workforce diverse in such attributes as gender, age, culture, national origin, race, ethnicity, background, sexual orientation, abilities (and disabilities).

Arvato Italia, too, promotes and supports Diversity. For us all these attributes are not a barrier: actually, the inclusion of these diversities allows Arvato Italia to be more and more open to new opportunities. In fact, it’s not a coincidence that one of the distinctive trait that identifies ourselves is the multiculturalism. In the site in Milan, for example, employees that work and collaborate in the company come from 26 different countries: Albania, Austria, Belgium, Belarus, Brazil, Camerun, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, France, Germany, Ghana, Holland, Latvia, Lithuania, Mauritius, Mexico, Spain, Peru, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Togo and Tunisia.

Since this theme is considerably relevant for Arvato Italia, HR Team has decided to create a report and analyze all the essential data referred to our employees with the aim of collecting them and share them internally in the company.

Our numbers at a glance

Arvato Italia has a high representation of women at all levels of the company: in fact, out of the total number of employees in Arvato Italia, 66% are women and 34% are men. Another important data is referred to the age: the majority of the employees are talented young people who can give the company the freshness, the curiosity and the energy of new workforce together with the wide and wise experience of older employees.

As we told before, one of the characteristic that identifies Arvato is Multiculturalism. In Arvato Italia, specifically, employees come from 26 different countries. Cultural diversity is for Arvato Italia an element of aggregation, collaboration and globalization. Arvato Italia can consider itself an open minded company that trust in cultural diversity as an added value and an important, innovative and more and more global factor.

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