They say email is an ex-channel, but maybe it's not pushing up the daisies just yet...

They say email is an ex-channel, but maybe it's not pushing up the daisies just yet...

Let's play a game, can you guess which one of the following is a fib?

  1. Email was used by 86% of adults in 2019
  2. Email remains the most common internet activity
  3. Sending and receiving emails has gone up by 10% in the last 10 years

Drum roll please............

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Well, let me tell you... the fib is number 3... because, email has actually gone up by 18% not 10%! Don't believe me? Check out the latest figures for yourself in the ONS 'Internet access – households and individuals, Great Britain: 2019' report.

Please do also comment on this and let me know what your guess was.

Other headline figures:-

  • 87% of all adults used the internet daily or almost every day in 2019.
  • Almost two-thirds of households now have mobile broadband access.
  • 9 in 10 adults use the internet at least weekly.
  • Almost all adults aged 16 to 44 years used the internet daily or almost every day (99%).
  • 84% had used the internet “on the go” in 2019, using a mobile phone, smartphone, laptop, tablet or handheld device.

So next time someone at work tells you that communicating to your residents, students, businesses etc via email is a waste of time, please think again.

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Matt Powell

Business Analyst Legacy Systems at Shropshire Council



Emma W.

Communications specialist


You’ve still got mail 😉

Albert Freeman

Content designer and award-winning communicator


Well said, Lorna. Email is so so useful in digital marketing.

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