School’s in – and so is uncertainty

School’s in – and so is uncertainty

School doors swung open again today for our three kids – as they are this month for many students, parents and teachers across North America. After the obligatory first day photos, the energy created from the kids pouring out of our car and back into the playground was palpable.

While we were lucky to have COVID conditions good enough for an in-person return, the path ahead is feeling less certain. Like Labor Day dawns a return to work, it is dawning on many of us that uncertainty is our new normal for the balance of the year – and likely beyond! While we have gotten used to many elements of COVID – a mask here, a sanitizer there and different home and family routines, the routine that never quite gets easier is that looming unknown.

If you’re feeling the same, here are some pieces of advice I’ve gathered to help steer through this fall period.

1. Create some mini breaks for mental mojo

Many of us, myself included, feel 24/7 on the go. The pandemic crystalized this reality with a blending of work-from-home and home life. The energy-sapping cycle that comes from this can be extraordinary, especially without a finish line in sight.

Studies show that small mental breaks can change this cycle, at least temporarily, in a matter of minutes. It might be a 5-minute mini break with an app that helps clear your mind. A seventh-inning stretch outside while the weather is still nice. I often get up a little earlier just to get my own peace of mind – and cup of java unfettered. For those of us who are music lovers, my favourite Spotify playlist can break that cycle almost immediately. Small acts start a flow; call them your mental mojo.

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2. Help your children express their uncertainty

Back to school is an exciting, but varied, experience for our children. Despite all being born within a 2-year period and spending 99.9% of their lives together, my three children each have very different emotions and triggers when faced with stressful situations. And if your kids are like mine, a normal dinner conversation around “how was your day” yields less than five words apiece – not helpful for them or for me! I’m finding other ways in. We got in a routine of talking about roses and thorns – the highlights and lowlights of the day. Need some more ideas? Check out the great Kids Help Phone wellness resources below.

3. Embrace September as a ‘baby January’ – and resolve to not load that plate!

I heard the other day that September is also called “baby January” by some. It was a good reminder that September isn’t just about back to school; it’s about taking stock of what matters and what can take a pass. It is easy with some re-opening now to fall into the habit of “loading up” again. Full academic and athletic schedules for the kids? Saying yes to that volunteer opportunity? To coin a Netflix-ism, if it “sparks joy” for you and the kids, great.  If not, use this as a resolution moment to learn to say no. A quick no is always easier than a drawn out maybe – and definitely better than a yes you will regret in two weeks time.

I’m eager to hear your ideas for a great #backtoschool! Best of luck to all your families!

Joanne Sallay

President & CEO at Teachers on Call


As always an incredibly thought-provoking article filled with great insights and tips. I am a huge fan of your writing style Joanna, you are truly multi-talented. Our team has written and dedicated several blogs on strategies for adapting to BTS this year - including shopping for school essentials, and coping with uncertainty. This blog on anxiety may provide some additional ideas in particular -

Mark Saunders

Helping Security & IT Close the Access Trust Gap with XAM


Mini breaks - I’m in!

Allison Graham

Inspirational Keynote Speaker: Resilience, Personal Effectiveness, and What It Takes to Overcome Anything


What an excellent article! Important conversation for everyone with kids going back to school - and for all of us still navigating the uncertainty.

Jay Milliken

Consumer-driven strategic thinker helping C-level executives grow their businesses and careers.


Joanna, if you are getting 5 words out of "how was your day?" you are winning at parenting! I've had to relearn how to ask my kids questions to avoid the one word answers.

40 years ago, a Prof on JP Morgan's leadership development program referred to your #1 as 'Islands of Tranquility'. Olden is still golden no matter the era or challenge.


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