Science and Technology

Knowledge is facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education. Science is result of a process of thinking that is obtained from experience to be the object of research and its truth can be recognized or believed. Technology is the human attempt to change the world. Science is based on fixed hypotheses or formulas, and technology is the practice or implementation of research based hypotheses. Science explores for the purpose of knowing, while technology explore for the purpose of making something useful from that knowledge. Without technology, some science experiments would not possible. And without science, technology could not proceed. The conclusion is science is a way of knowing and technology is a way of doing. Knowledge is facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education. Science is result of a process of thinking that is obtained from experience to be the object of research and its truth can be recognized or believed. Technology is the human attempt to change the world. Science is based on fixed hypotheses or formulas, and technology is the practice or implementation of research based hypotheses. Science explores for the purpose of knowing, while technology explore for the purpose of making something useful from that knowledge. Without technology, some science experiments would not possible. And without science, technology could not proceed. The conclusion is science is a way of knowing and technology is a way of doing.

Science contributes to technology in six ways :

  1. Science as a direct source of new technological ideas
  2. Science as a source of engineering design tools and techniques
  3. Instrumentation, laboratory techniques, and analytical methods
  4. The development of human skill
  5. Technology assessment
  6. Science as a source of development strategy

There are at least 2 impact of technology on science ; Technology as a source of new scientific challenges, technology professionals for new research and help to justify the allocation of resource needed to solve the problem in an affective timely manner and more than be scientific agenda like the 4G internet network and the upgrade into 5G internet network. Second is instrumentation and measurement techniques, we can predict with climate, disaster using technology.

Science and Technology is a source of information that can improve human intelligence or knowledge in the field of technology. The very questions that scientist ask are shaped the available technology. In the situation science and technology will work together and can be spread. Science encompass the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment, and technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. For the example is solar panel (utilize solar energy). Solar panel are used to convert light from the sun, which is composed of particles of energy called "photons", into electricity that can be used to power electrical loads. Solar panels collect clean renewable energy in the form of sunlight and convert light into electricity which can then be used to provide power for electrical loads. Solar panels are comprised of several individual solar cells which are themselves composed of layers of silicon, phosphorus (which provides the negative charge), and boron (which provides the positive charge). Solar panels absorb the photons and in doing so initiate an electric current. The resulting energy generated from photons striking the surface of the solar panel allows electrons to be knocked out of their atomic orbits and released into the electric field generated by the solar cells which then pull these free electrons into a directional current. Utilize ocean wave energy is a device that utilize ocean waves called Permanent Magnet Linear Body, the equipment for supplying electricity that emits no CO2 exhaust emissions, no noise pollution, no visual pollution. Permanent magnet linear generator can generate electricity from alternating motion due to the rise and fall of the buoy by ocean waves. Utilize wind energy, power plants that use wind gusts ass a source of electricity. This plant can convert wind energy into electrical energy by using wind turbines. This power plant can not used carelessly, it must be built in a place with a high and steady wind speed.

The trend of education in the future is the development of open education with a distance learning model, resource sharing between educational institutions has developed into a source of information, and use of interactive information technology tools. Role of science and technology for students like online learning media, source of knowledge, for group discussion, information media, etc. Positive impact of technology in education is advent of electronic media as a source of information and a hub for education, creation of new learning strategies that will make it easier for students to learn, learning method does not have to be face to face (distance learning), data management device for evaluation (automatic evaluation tests), and need for education facilities can be addressed easily. Negative influence of technology is students are becoming lazy to learn, event of an unethical infringement, rise of electronic mass media as a source of information and a knowledge hub that is misused, and misuse of applications for data processing.

Benefit of science an technology is like a phone, from time to time phone are growing. Not only human can growth, phone can do that to. So that is the evolution of science and technology. Technology make our life easier and nore comfortable. For the example is you can go to school by car or by bus. Travelling has become easy and fast in minute, maybe you can even travel to mood and mars. The gadgets help us to save the time. Our life standards have increased. Many diseases can be cured now. Communication becomes convenient and easy. You can identify the criminals by their fingerprints. On another side you can access a lot of information in just one second with one click.

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