SEO 101 | What is SEO?

SEO 101 | What is SEO?

Among many things in the technicalities of running a good website, one popular acronym commonly heard and spoken about is SEO. So, what does SEO stand for? Here at EarlTech biz, we know that SEO stands for “SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION”. In layman's terms this means the process of optimizing/improving your website to increase the site's visibility for all relevant searches. Thus, the better visibility your website has, the more you will grab user attention and user visits to your website inevitably boosting your potential of revenue generation.

What does Search Engine mean?

What do you do when you want to search for something on the internet? Generally an average user would open google and search on THE “GOOGLE SEARCH” network, similarly Microsoft incorporates the “BING” search network and the internet boasts many search networks that people use based on their preference. Hence SEARCH ENGINE is referred to as the platform that allows you to search information on the internet, it will match and source your queries to relevant answers and show them to you. It's a running mechanism in our day to day life that if used wisely can make all the difference in your revenue model.

How does SEO work?

Search engines such as “Google” or “Bing” use a bot system to crawl through and scan information in terms of available content, site designs and speed etc. from websites available on the internet. This process is called “CRAWLING”. After this process, the collected information gets catalogued in an index which is analyzed with a unique algorithm that takes into account so many ranking factors or signals that deem the ranking order of the website based on each query or search.

These search algorithms are skillfully designed to choose relevant and authoritative/important sites to make sure the user has a good search experience with the ulterior motive of bringing back the user to the search engine for their next search query. Ultimately taking control of this process and optimizing your website to be that site deemed as authoritative and ranked higher in the results page is what we call SEO!!

Why is SEO important?

SEO generally is assumed to be an important component in digital marketing strategies worldwide. Especially in marketing of websites, or services hailed through websites and products sold through the means of internet and a webpage. People engage in billions, if not trillions of searches a year and it is the primary source of digital traffic in this day and age. Hence having greater visibility and ranking higher is the best opportunity a business can have to come out on top in terms of competition and long run revenue, even to the extreme end of sustaining the business.

Moreover, an important note to make is that the objective of the search algorithm is to give the best search results to the researcher, so the algorithm is constantly evolving and updating in order to be able to provide the best results. Understanding this is utmost important when conducting SEO on your website, and makes it that much more important.

How do you conduct SEO

There are many strategies and methods to conduct SEO. However, simply laying them down, conducting SEO would mean simple or complex changes to your website with the use of keywords, key images, phrases, blog posts and many more key strategic things that explain your business and website more effectively which would allow the algorithm to find you and deem you important.

If you are trying to understand what SEO means then we at EarlTech hope that the above paragraphs were able to give you a simple yet worthy understanding about it. If you are an owner of a website or planning to build your website, SEO will be detrimental to your success in the short and long run. You can also check to incorporate our SEO services to make sure you get it done right, right from the bat!! Catch you in the next article.

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