Should I Use STM32 Cube HAL for STM32 Development?

Should I Use STM32 Cube HAL for STM32 Development?

This post was inspired by a question from Tomasz Chumięcki:

I develop production line software on STM32 every day now, and have been wondering the same thing in the past: should I use STM32 Cube HAL or not?

I went from a hater to someone who uses it in my work all the time and even enjoys it.

I started with completely manual initialisation and manual interaction with registers – then STM32 Cube HAL had just appeared and there was a lot of negativity from users due to bloatware and bugs. It was called "an example of bloated software".

But time passed, ST did a solid job and I made all our project compatible with HAL and it made our developers' lives a lot better.

And there are reasons for that:

1. Abstraction

I develop software for labellers, cappers, filling machines and various robotic devices for industrial automation.

Our machines have 5 different control boards and 3 different touch screen control boards that use different STM32 processors and use different pins and peripherals (depending on the equipment requirements). The boards communicate over a network via CAN and all together it works as a distributed system.

Nevertheless, all projects use a single code base with a large number of isolated modules: a new version of the software is built automatically for several boards with different processors.

This is realised in the following way: for each board and processor in STM32 CubeMX a separate project is generated, the logic of operation and interaction with peripherals is allocated in a separate project common for all boards.

This dramatically simplifies support, as all devices receive updates at the same time.

Without Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) this would not be possible.

Of course, a possible solution is to write your own HAL and it is often more elegant due to its specificity. But maintaining a HAL is time-consuming and it will not be documented, will not be supported by the STM32 CubeMX code generator, will not support new chips without your work and will not be a standard for other programmers.

2. Rapid porting codebase between different processors

We didn't plan on having to port the software to other chips, but 2020–2023 Global chip shortage happened and the chips we used to use are no more easily available.

By using the STM32 CubeHAL, we were able to quickly port our codebase to the least popular yet still affordable chips without compromising functionality.

3. Convenience for board design

Since we can clearly see the placement of pins on the chip schematic in the selected package we can choose pins not just from their standard purpose, so that it was convenient to lay out the tracks on the PCB. It is just handy.

Selecting pins on the processor schematic

In case we need to move something somewhere, the system will suggest all the alternatives.

4. Code readability

I've seen a lot of comments about how one or two lines of code turn into an entire set of function calls when using HAL.

Of course, there is nothing shorter than simply writing the required bits to the registers at a certain address! This is often also much faster and easier than finding the right methods: just look at the datasheet and enter the required data into the register.

But, there is a fact that we read code more and more often than we write it, especially in long-maintained projects. Reading and understanding lines of code with writing bits to registers is impossible without a datasheet and less efficient. On the other hand, the code using HAL is self-documenting.

5. No significant overhead

Calling a single line writing or reading a register will be faster than calling multiple methods with logic.

But in practical terms, there's no difference:

  • Most HAL functions make heavy use of the preprocessor and most code is executed at compile time.
  • With -O3 optimisation enabled, many HAL functions are simply inlined and converted to the same register writes or reads.
  • Even without considering points 1 and 2, the HAL function is mostly executed during the initialisation phase, where the timing of execution does not play a role.

Also we should not forget about such a great thing as LL driver.

I have heard this idea that LL is HAL done right and I'm gonna have to agree with that. :-)

The HAL and LL drivers are complementary and cover a wide range of applications requirements

  • The HAL offers high-level and feature-oriented APIs, with a high-portability level. They hide the MCU and peripheral complexity to end-user. 
  • The LL offers low-level APIs at registers level, with better optimization but less portability. They require deep knowledge of the MCU and peripherals specifications.

A project can be exported from CubeMX using either HAL or LL.


STM32 CubeMX & CubeHAL is not perfect and of course will not solve all problems without issues, so I'm going to make a few small recommendations:

  1. First learn how to initialise and use peripherals without HAL, at least at GPIO and Timers level and only then proceed to operate through HAL and CUBE MX.
  2. Learn how to view the current state of processor registers when debugging. This will allow you to always check if the initialisation is correct regardless of the use of HAL and verify it using the datasheet. Using HAL won't hide the CPU from you any more.
  3. If you need to make changes to the initialisation settings in a CubeMX generated project (this happens sometimes, especially when working with complex peripherals like USB), I recommend not to make changes directly, but to create a separate Override() method called in main, which makes the changes without touching the generated code. This way you can repeatedly re-generate the project without fearing that the changes will be overwritten during generation. And when HAL is updated to newer versions, this method is often no longer needed and can be removed.
  4. Read the wonderful book Mastering STM32: A step-by-step guide to the most complete ARM Cortex-M platform written by Carmine Noviello. I wish I had it when I started learning the platform. In the latest editions of this book the author also focuses on the use of HAL and CubeMX.

Mastering STM32: A step-by-step guide to the most complete ARM Cortex-M

And of course enjoy the immersive experience of diving into these remarkable and highly configurable processors!

#HAL #STM32 #microcontrollers

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