Six Ways Health Care Will Change Over the Next Five Years

Six Ways Health Care Will Change Over the Next Five Years

Rarely a day passes without someone asking me where I think health care will be five years from now. I’m not a fortuneteller, but I do know a working crystal ball when I see one. And none work better than McKesson’s Better Health Tour events, where the thoughts shared by attendees offer important clues to health care’s future and how the industry will get there from here.

Last week, I had the privilege of moderating “Better Health Twin Cities: Continuing the Conversation” in Minneapolis. It was a 90-minute follow-up event to last June’s Better Health Twin Cities, the third of four stops on the Better Health Tour. Through a series of interactive exercises, small group discussions and private conversations with the 40 or so health care leaders from Minneapolis and St. Paul, I picked up six key insights on where the industry is now, where it will be in 2020 and what needs to happen in between.

Channeling my inner Nostradamus, here are six predictions gleaned from “Continuing the Conversation”:

  1. A startup will emerge that will change the EHR landscape.
    Providers have a love-hate relationship with entrenched, monolithic EHR vendors. They appreciate the stability and predictability of products and services those vendors provide. But they’re growing impatient with what they perceive as a lack of innovation, awkward usability and rigid approaches. As one attendee noted, it’s time for a “Google-like” entrant to emerge on the scene and replace the incumbent “Microsoft.” By 2020, watch for at least one new EHR vendor to emerge and re-set the rules of the game.

  2. Insurance innovation will be as important as technology innovation.
    Health insurance products are still designed from the “payer-out” rather than from the “consumer-in.” As patients take on higher deductibles, they will become far more discerning insurance shoppers and gravitate toward insurance offerings highly tailored to their individual needs, rather than generic plans. By 2020, payers that effectively crack the code on “mass customization” will dominate.

  3. Predictive analytics will become “table stakes.”
    One of the most important — if not the most important — capabilities that payers and providers are clamoring for is predictive analytics. They’ve beefed up their ability to collect data. However, they remain very limited in their ability to effectively analyze that data across systems and care settings, predict what various enrollee or patient segments will need, and evaluate whether medical care is effective. Watch for the emergence of a new analytics paradigm by 2020 that’s as disruptive as iTunes was for the music industry.

  4. Patient data will become as securely accessible as cash from an ATM.
    Today, patient data remains trapped in silos across health care. As one attendee put it, “HIPAA is often used as an excuse. In fact, many organizations hold onto patient data because it allows them to create ‘barriers to exit’ for their patients.” The rise of health care consumerism will put those organizations at a disadvantage compared to those that allow patients to access their data securely and easily across systems and settings. Can you imagine choosing a bank today that only allowed you to withdraw cash from ATMs in its proprietary network?

  5. Medication adherence will be a business imperative.
    Improving medication adherence is already a priority for everyone along the health care delivery chain, with the obvious exception of non-adherent patients. However, with the growing prevalence of high-deductible plans, patients will have a much greater financial incentive to take their meds properly. Consequently, we will see a proliferation of insurance-driven solutions that link better adherence to lower premiums, resulting in a step-change improvement in overall medication adherence and compliance.

  6. Millennials will transform the doctor-patient relationship.
    A huge demographic split divides the medical community between older physicians who view patients through a Baby Boomer or Gen X lens and younger physicians who view patients through a Gen Y or Millennial lens. Through the former, doctors see a picture of themselves knowing what’s best for the patient and in charge of patient care. Through the latter, doctors see themselves as shared decision-makers and partners with patients. They will readily use Google, WebMD, Wikipedia and other new media to partner with patients in ways that are aligned with their patients’ existing information consumption habits. By 2020, Millennial-inspired medicine will rule, changing the nature of the doctor-patient relationship forever.

Where do you see the future?

For more insights from “Continuing the Conversation,” see the full event summary.

And smart phones for distant monitoring......:)

Margaret Allard

Grade 4 teacher at Weston Public Schools


I enjoyed reading your article.


Director of Interventional Cytopathology, Southeast Georgia Health System at Southeastern Pathology Associates


Very interesting

David Nace

Driving Innovation in Healthcare, focus on activating data to improve the health and wellness of people | Advisor and Board opportunities


I wholeheartedly agree with Jonathan on the relative boldness and “in bounds” nature – Kudo’s! Sounds like the Minneapolis “II” was a hit . Andrew, Jonathan, and I were all in the MCCA ILC yesterday and it’s quite striking how much the top themes you captures from Minn II aligned with the top ILC issues and perspectives reaised by our customers. Jonathan nailed the perspective on #1 and #3 on the head. Thanks Andy- great observations!. I would add the following comments to your points Predictive Analytics – It appears there will be two fronts of disruption here (a) clinical outcomes- as the data streams and ability to leverage that data become more and more available and accessible, our healthcare delivery efforts will become more targeted, precise, focused, and useful resulting in very significant improvements by many providers in a more sustainable and impactful way. This will result in a snowball effect on the process that is now underway of moving to value based payments, the ability of providers to take full risk and accountability, and the emergence of provider systems increasingly taking on the premium will become a very real phenomena – as originally envisioned back in the late 80s. (b) stakeholder engagements – we are now seeing a huge sea change in the way various stakeholders ( providers, insurers, solution vendors, patients) are interacting and engaging due to the proliferation of portable engagement devices (smartphones, etc), the emergence and accessibility of big data and big data analytics, and our ability to customize and target engagements due to to apply predictive analytics to customize those interactions and engagements to meet the specific needs and “jobs to be done” of each stakeholder. Just as these technologies are revolutionizing the way we engage with each other in society, the disruption will now hit our entrenched healthcare system and each participants role and function in that system . # 5. Medication Adhearance - while I expect we will see significant progress here, I fear that the emergence of high deductable health plans may have the opposite effect of what you propose. Most chronic diseases (the ones where most of the money is spent) do not avail themselves to patients seeing a clear cause and effect relationship between medication adhearance and their health and especially their healthcare utilization, and their resulting OOP costs. For these patients, there is evidence that cost shifting responsibility to the patient may likely result in worse adhearance to medications – not better. # 6 The doctor patient relationship - Excellent points here. The shift from “paternalism” to “collaboration and empowerment” has been a cultural shift that has been ongoing in the house of medicine for many years, and is now picking up more steam. In many ways there are parallels to what happened in the aviation industry from 1960 to the 1980s, resulting in a huge change in the types of people that went into the field, with a shift from a culture of rugged individualized to technology empowered teamwork and collaboration. I would add to your points here that that given a shift to more team based care it may no longer be so much about the “doctor patient relationship” but rather the emergence of a “healthcare team – patient” relationship . We shall see…….


Great article, Andy. Thanks for the insight.


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