Small Business Edge Newsletter

Small Business Edge Newsletter

1) 6 Ways to Empower Employees

2) Comparing E-Mail Providers

3) Podcast

Hello Friends and Fellow Business Owners,

My word for this week is Empowerment. In my world, empowerment means giving employees the authority, confidence, and resources to take control of their own decisions and actions. Done correctly, it should lead to personal growth and company wins.

What smart, savvy business leader doesn’t love to empower their team? One that doesn’t want to give up control!

If you want people in your company to trust you and follow your vision, at some point you need to “empower” them to play impactful roles in executing your plan. That’s what the quote, “Teamwork makes the dream work,” means.

When your employees feel empowered, they are more likely to take initiative and suggest innovative ideas. They will become more engaged and satisfied with their work. They’ll feel valued and trusted, often leading to higher retention rates and reduced turnover costs.

Since I’m a big college basketball fan, here’s one of my favorite analogies. Think of running a business like playing a game of basketball. In basketball, one person can't, or shouldn’t, take all the shots. It takes a team effort to win the game. A smart business owner is like the point guard on the team. They bring the ball up the court, put their teammates in the right positions, pass the ball to them, and let them shoot and score.

Here’s how you can be the point guard for your business: 

  1. Bring the Ball Up: As the business owner, you set the vision and direction for your team and provide the guidance and resources they need to succeed.
  2. Position Your Team: Identify each team member's strengths and assign them roles where they can excel. This ensures that everyone plays to their strengths and contributes their best to the team.
  3. Pass the Ball: Delegate responsibilities and trust your team to make decisions. By giving them the autonomy to act, you empower them to take ownership of their work.
  4. Let Them Shoot and Score: Allow your employees to take the lead on projects and initiatives. Celebrate their successes and provide constructive feedback to help them grow.

Empowerment is about creating a culture where employees feel valued, trusted, and able to make a difference. Empower your team, unlock their full potential, and watch the ordinary become extraordinary!

Ok, who wants to shoot hoops with me?



1. 6 Ways to Empower Employees

As I noted, empowering your employees is a powerful tool that can impact team productivity, morale, and loyalty. But what specifically can you do to empower your team?

This article from CO offers six ways to empower your employees, including showing them that their work matters. McKinsey reported that 70% of employees say their sense of purpose is defined by their work and want to know that what they’re doing is “meaningful.”

Read more about how you can best empower your employees.

More about empowerment

2. 6 Ways to Empower Employees

All small businesses should have a business email. That means your email should not be or, etc. A custom email address ( is more credible and professional.

There are several ways to obtain a custom email address, and numerous providers offer additional features and services. Choosing the best provider for your small business can be confusing and overwhelming.

This article on TechRepublic helps you sort through the various providers and compare features, costs, and usability.

This article on TechRepublic helps you sort through the various providers and compare features, costs, and usability.

3. Podcast

Click HERE to listen to the podcast.

Denise A. Sands

HR Consultant - Your trusted HR advisor for business evolution | HR Generalist | Benefits Manager | Recruiter | HR Compliance


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