Smart contracts in 60 seconds

Smart contracts in 60 seconds

I’m looking forward to a day without lawyers and courts ;). If you are a lawyer then don't get offended, I’m not talking about you, you are awesome for reading this.

Develop, Test, Deploy


Remix IDE —

We are going to use Solidity for writing our smart contract. The language is nothing fancy. It looks like a mix of javascript and C++. Remix is a nice IDE developed by the developers of Ethereum which is going to help us write solidity. No setup is needed since Remix IDE works straight from the browser.

Convenient, right?

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This is what our workspace would look like. You can see the environment is set to Javascript VM which means we are using an in-browser virtual Ethereum network for testing.


We are going to store a collection of strings in our contract and we’ll implement three functions. One for inserting a string into the collection using pushString, one for retrieving a particular string and one for counting the number of strings in the collection. And we’ll also won’t let anybody else to insert into the collection except the owner.

There is another function included for returning all the indexes in the collection for convenience.


Metamask —

MetaMask is a bridge that allows you to visit the distributed web of tomorrow in your browser today. It allows you to run Ethereum dApps right in your browser without running a full Ethereum node.
MetaMask includes a secure identity vault, providing a user interface to manage your identities on different sites and sign blockchain transactions.

We’ll use Metamask for testing our smart contract in a test network similar to the live Ethereum main network. We can use one of the following test networks.

  • Ropsten
  • Kovan
  • Rinkeby

For our application, we are going to use Ropsten.


Infura —

Infura is the infrastructure behind the Metamask. It works as a gateway to the Ethereum network. It’s funny to use a centralized service to develop a decentralized application, but it’s ok for now since it’s too much work to run our own nodes and most of the parts of our application will still be decentralized :)

Get to work?

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves ;) It can be too much to digest in one go. Since we know the technology stack and the tools we need, let’s do some reading and get familiar with all the moving parts.

There will be separate articles for each step to develop, test and deploy. Links to those articles will be here. If they are not here yet, that means I’m having trouble dragging myself out of bed :D.

Until then, keep hackin…

Ivan B.

Longevity Entrepreneur | Real Estate Development Bali


It is quite unlikely that smart contracts will ever replace lawyers, as someone should still determine the terms of the contract and write the technical requirements for software developers. However, they can make a breach of contracts problematic, thus reducing legal expenses and increasing certainty. This is especially important when dealing with corporate governance and financial assets. Probably, that is the reason, why blockchain-based digital securities industry is getting a very significant interest from serious players, such as HSBC that is moving 40% of its assets - worth $20 billion - on the blockchain. We issue monthly reports about the industry, analyzing where it is moving and which opportunities provide. Sure, you will find it valuable.


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