Social is 'Big on Media, Small on message!'
I have had some time on my hands in the last few weeks and have been reading up on various topics: digital cultures, technologies, social media, the works. The more I read, the more I feel disillusioned with all the content that seems to be gagging our senses and our logic. Somewhere in this crazy race to make sense of the social media, we seem to have missed out on the message. Almost every article reads like something I have read before, and the facebook posts are so many that there is little, if any, registration.
I wonder what kind of a future we are building, what literature are we creating for the next generation? I come from a background of traditional literature where the written word was considered profound and nuanced, even in the case of comedies (ref. Oscar Wilde)… so this constant churning out of repetitive and often filmsy content seems to be rather trite and aimless.
Would much rather create works that make people think. Too much of this self help stuff is, in my opinion, not helping at all.