All photographers are ambassadors of nature. Photography is a limitless thought, a feeling, and capturing something unique. It covers the minutest detail and remembers little things. It is art, teaching us all how to see the beauty around us with a new vision. In the beginning, the photographs do not come good but one can practice the art with passion and achieve wonderful results. It is a means of expressing what is around you and what you feel is worth photographing.
Photography is an austere hobby, a depiction of reality, the art of storytelling, a record, and similar to poetry, where often nature is the subject.
It grants clarity to the subject and there is a vision in each photograph. It is love and passion reflected in the performance. It takes at the moment and makes it a part of eternity. When you shoot, things start happening for you. It makes a thousand memories. The souls come alive sometimes, and in a moment memories become alive and do not run away.
It is exquisite, deals with appearances, and shows what the artist feels about a place, situation, or face. It involves not only a camera but the eye, the heart, the soul, and the head. It becomes unique and rare when the person falls in love with the people or the subject. Sometimes it comes in a fraction of a second and before you breathe it is gone, It does not happen twice.
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Often a photo is a combination of imagination and reality. Sometimes it is for the self and sometimes it is for the other people. All photographers need to have love and compassion, as that is also reflected in the work.
it is the art of trying out and disclosing various possibilities. There is reflection, thoughtfulness, and intuitive observation of nature with profound meanings.
Excitement, intuition, thought and beauty makes a good photograph. Through the capturing of a scene, we savor life intensely and learn to care, to record images. They are the result of a quest and a search. Photography, in simple words, reflects beauty and truth. The camera makes you remember that there is no one else but you and the scene, you are just immersed and looking beyond all that is present. It is recognition, of something beautiful and significant. Light and its admiration show the worth, of a photograph.
When God creates beauty the camera goes ahead and captures it for all to see. A photographer is a divine witness. It is a reaction, meditation, observation, and depiction. It is the art of composing beauty and telling a visual story. It brings spiritual joy and we see something unique and extraordinary in it.