Something the Top 100 Global Value Brands have in common.
Financial success is one.
But, there’s another one you may not know about. It gives new meaning to brand loyalty.
Interbrand, a marketing and branding consultancy, created a list of the Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands for 2023, (the link is in the comments). I was curious as to how that brand loyalty was reflected. So I did some research and discovered that 53 of the Top 100 companies have their logo tattooed somewhere on peoples’ bodies. Now that’s some serious brand loyalty.
I anticipated companies like Budweiser, Porche, and Jack Daniel’s would be represented in the tattoo aficionados category. But was somewhat surprised to see Kentucky Fried Chicken, FedEx, and Salesforce included under the tattoo umbrella.
Disney made the Top 100 list and is another brand whose characters like Mickey Mouse, Aladin, Cinderella, and Daisy Duck, frequently appear as tattooed royalty. And while Harley-Davidson did not make the Top 100 Global Value List, Harley-Davidson loyalists have been tattooing the iconic company logo on their bodies for well over 100 years. Many times in unusual places and scales.
These two brands have become almost cultlike. With fanatical followers who are true zealots. Loyalists who passionately “buy” into everything brand-related. How did Disney and Harley-Davidson do it? What builds that type of brand loyalty, and how can your company achieve the same level of loyalty?
While price is one component, it’s rarely considered by true brand loyalists. Disney prices ain’t cheap. Disneyland’s Inspire Magic Key Annual Passes in 2024 cost $1,649/each (for a family of five that’s $8,245). Top-of-the-line Harley’s are $66,000 (more than my first house). To some extent, higher prices are perceived as a positive differentiator by loyalists. Indicating, perhaps, subconsciously or consciously, an elevated life station. They are members of a special, almost elitist culture who have “arrived.”
So what do Disney and Harley-Davidson customers have in common? What is it that makes them want to invest considerable amounts of time, money, and tattoo ink? And continue to do it?
Their summarized positioning statements provide a clue.
Disney World, “The most magical place on earth.” Customers view it almost like a pilgrimage to experience entertainment and storytelling. In essence, it's a happy escape.
Harley-Davidson, “Live to ride. Ride to Live.” The brand embodies the spirit of freedom, adventure, and the open road. Another happy escape.
While the products and services differ, both companies share similar brand attributes.
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Some key psychographics and brand drivers Disney and Harley-Davidson owners share include Deep Emotional Connectivity, Uniqueness of “Belonging,” Trust, Ego Satisfaction, Adventure, Escapism, Pleasurable Experiences, Perceived Value, Fanaticism, Passion, and ROEI (Return on Emotional Investment).
Disney and Harley-Davidson also make ongoing investments in their brands to deepen loyalty. Disney does it through Disney University (for employees and clients). Their tagline is, “Discover the Methods Behind the Magic.” Harley-Davidson University does the same by providing training for dealers and mechanics. Their focus is, “You will be part of something bigger. You will play a direct role in the legacy and future of the Brand.
OK, so maybe it’s a little more difficult to get excited about a brand of fertilizer or toilet paper than it is for a Disney/Harley-Davidson-possessed emotional experience. However, companies can benefit from some of those same loyalty-branding attributes in developing their programs. Building upon a strong, research-driven foundational understanding of client needs, and wants. Blended with customer psychographics that push their customers’ passion buttons. Then ensuring that foundational understanding is consistently communicated and reinforced internally and externally.
Walt Disney once said, "Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends."
Seems to be working for Disney and Harley-Davidson.
Which got me thinking.
As a former Harley guy, after writing about branding, building loyalty, and seeing what some people will do to show their loyalty; thought I’d try it out for my company.
Think it will catch on?
#customerloyalty #customer experience #businessdevelopment #sales
Mindset Alchemist. Preparing Your Business to Prosper Today & Tomorrow. Meatball maker, yes really.
10moAs always, a brilliant synopsis of brand loyalty Bob Musial. This makes a great case for human imagination. Because it took deep understanding of psychology to attach a core emotion, in Disney’s case, to an intangible experience, and Harley, a tangible one that provides an experience. That level of branding isn’t for sissies, it borders on genius and it's why the big agencies command mucho dinero. I hope your StreetSmart tatty trend takes off like a shot. 😊
The Savvy Navigator🧭🌐Helping You🧭Navigate the Future🔮Importing,Exporting,Global-Trading Made Easy🌍Courses & Resources🌏Coach|Mentor📙Amazon Author|Speaker|Educator🎬🎙🎧#amazoninfluencer, Marketing Amazon Authors📚
10mo🚽🧻 Bob Musial "OK, so maybe it’s a little more difficult to get excited about a brand of fertilizer or toilet paper." You mentioned in your article. Friends of ours, who our family moved in with when we lost our house 🏠 to a bank foreclosure and years later when we moved into our current home in Sydney, Australia 🇦🇺 they moved to rural Crookwell 3 hours from Sydney. Over the years my wife Sandie and I visit them on weekends every 4 to 6 weeks. Some years ago, they started buying a carton of bulk toilet paper 🧻 and had it delivered to our home. We would bring it with us on our next visit to them. We also started buying the bulk toilet paper too. When Covid-19 hit and supermarket shelves were bare of toilet paper we said "who gives a crap." That is the Brand of our Toilet Paper: Who Gives A Crap Started in Australia 🇦🇺 and now also in USA 🇺🇸 and UK 🇬🇧 OUR MISSION We donate 50% of our profits to ensure everyone has access to clean water and a toilet within our lifetime
Author: Writer of stories about consulting, leading, and living wisely and songs about joy and woe
10moA great article, Bob You explain brand loyalty very well. Disney is multigenerational kids, grow up to be parents and grandparents and they are intertwined with culture through TV. Harley Davidsons seems more limited -may be some father-son going on but, it seems more peer related and lmore rebelling against the dominant culture than being engulfed in it. Oh and as much as i love you and respect your business accumen, I ain't getting no Street Smart tattoo. unless it comes with a motorcycle or a sports car. 😎
Value-based Business Development Coach, Author, and Innovator to: Establish Credibility | Build Trust | Create Value | Generate Revenue.
10moHere’s the link to view the Top 100 Global Value Brands.