Stealth Mode
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Stealth Mode

Mastering the Art of Reflection and Recharge

In the relentless pursuit of productivity and success, we often fall into the trap of believing that more hours worked equals more achievements. This belief, deeply ingrained in modern work culture, suggests that we have an endless reservoir of energy at our disposal. However, through my experiences, I've learned that this simply isn't true. Working without limits can lead to diminished returns and, more importantly, can take a toll on our well-being. In this article, I want to challenge the notion of infinite energy and share my journey towards achieving a healthier balance between work, reflection, and personal time—a concept I like to think of as "stealth mode".

The Myth of Endless Energy

It's a common misconception that to be successful, one must be willing to work 24/7. I've been there, pushing myself to the brink, only to realize that not only does this approach lead to burnout, but it also hampers creativity and productivity. People who know me well, know about my endless energy and passion in many regards, often I hear how is this possible, when do you find the time for that? While I can technically work non-stop, it's far from the ideal way to operate. Recognizing this has been a crucial step many years back in my personal and professional development.

A Balanced Routine

For many of us, the day stretches beyond the typical 8-9 hour work period. Once you add commuting, family obligations, sports, and hobbies into the mix, it becomes a significant challenge to manage everything effectively. However, I've found that discipline is key to navigating this complex landscape. Setting ambitious goals and steering my daily actions towards achieving them has been instrumental in maintaining focus and direction, even when life gets hectic.

Embracing Stealth Mode

"Stealth mode" is about deliberately taking time to step back and recharge. For me, this often involves being awake for 17-18 hours a day, but ensuring that the last few hours are dedicated to activities that allow me to unwind and reflect. Whether it's a leisurely bike ride, reading a book with a glass of whiskey in hand, or a rigorous post-workout session, these moments are critical for my mental and physical recovery.

Listening to Your Body

An essential aspect of maintaining balance is understanding and respecting your body's signals. Your body knows when it's time to slow down, and ignoring these signs can lead to serious consequences. It's like driving a car; if you keep pushing without ever hitting the brakes, eventually, you might find yourself unable to stop in time to prevent a crash. Learning to listen to my body has taught me when it's time to pull back and enter stealth mode for my own health and safety.

The Wisdom of Leaders

Inspirational figures like Simon Sinek remind us of the importance of finding our "why" — the purpose that drives our actions and decisions. The #BeYourCaptain philosophy emphasizes taking personal responsibility for navigating the challenges we face, using our values and goals as our compass. These concepts have been a guiding light in my journey, reinforcing the idea that true leadership and success come from understanding and aligning with our deeper motivations.


As we strive for success in our personal and professional lives, it's crucial to remember that true productivity and fulfillment come from a balance of work, rest, and reflection. By embracing "stealth mode", listening to our bodies, and drawing inspiration from thought leaders, we can achieve our goals without sacrificing our health and well-being. Let's redefine success, not by how much we can accomplish in the shortest time but by how effectively we can balance our aspirations with our need for rest and rejuvenation.

Hey Bruno! 24 hours a day is often not enough. But with more hours there would not automatically be more energy available. When I watch you, you seem to have found balance. Still give yourself the break you need. You can't keep pushing all the time. Or can you? You keep on impressing me again and again! #youareyourcaptain take care


Keeping a healthy balance is key to success and well-being! Bruno SCHENK

Parveen Jaswal

Digital Strategy & Transformation | AI, Data & Analytics and Intelligent Automation | Digital Health


Very well said Bruno. Reboot & Recharge are those critical attributes which prepares you for the longer run. We must remember life is a big long marathon; not a sprint.

Zora Lazarov

Behavioral Disruptor 🗣 | Psychologist 🧠 | ex-Apple HR 🍏 | Corporate Trainer 📈 | Coached over 400 leaders 📣


Such a powerful article and reminder. Thank you Bruno SCHENK

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