Stripped Down: Interview and Performance by Luke Bryan
Anika Chambers

Stripped Down: Interview and Performance by Luke Bryan

     If you've never been to the Country Music Hall of Fame, you don't know what you’re missing. The museum has some great exhibits and interactive areas that both kids and adults enjoy.

     But today, I got to experience an interview-performance in their CMA theater. It's a small, intimate setting so you feel close to the artist. It's like that coffee shop feeling where the artist on stage is sitting in a big, comfy chair and having a conversation with friends.

     Luke Bryan sat down with Joe Hudak (Rolling Stone Country) to discuss his recent exhibit in the museum. The guy you see on stage is the same one we met in that theater. Witty and laid-back, Bryan gave some good sound bites on his attitude towards his rise to fame, touching insights into his passion for country music and a short performance of some of his songs.

     Beginning in childhood, Bryan recollects his first memories of music were of Ronnie Milsap. Moving forward from there, he lists bands and musicians that influenced him throughout, including Michael Jackson, saying, "I used to moonwalk to the pencil sharpener." But when asked who he would spend a day with his first choice was Elvis. He said he would like to take Elvis fishing.

     Songwriting was a focus for Bryan when coming to Nashville. He described himself as being mature and more than hungry to approach the music industry when he moved here. His reasons for that being that he was then 25 with a college degree and and working for his dad. He recounts how moving to Nashville gave him resolve in his songwriting as he went from loosely writing songs before coming and then meeting other writers, getting plugged into the community.

     When asked if he felt “Country Girl Shake It for Me” was risky, Bryan replies, “When we wrote it… but I only envision it as fun.” He emphasizes that it is an important song to his career. Going on to express that “however that song was important, “Drink a Beer” was four times more important.” This is when Bryan really expresses what he wants his music to mean to people:

             “I want to be the guy who had fun. I want my path to have

             those songs that are important to country music…. Be the

             soundtrack to those moments.”

     Wrapping the interview, Bryan describes his life now: “We are having fun. The people in our world. These are the golden days. Nothing is normal about this.”

     Bryan goes on to perform a set of songs that he had not created a list of beforehand. Beginning with “Strip It Down” and ending with “Drink a Beer” and “Trucks”, he shows us why he is an artist, why he is the reigning Entertainer of the Year for both the Country Music Association and the Academy of Country Music. While I have enjoyed seeing him in concert before and on t.v. for performances, in this setting, he is stripped down to his voice and guitar. The silence in this room gives you the opportunity to truly listen to what he can do with his voice. I am impressed with his control and clarity. He reminds us of his talent in this space.

From one Georgia girl to another Georgia guy, congratulations Luke Bryan on living the life not normal.

-Anika Chambers

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