Sustainable food and conscious eating

Sustainable food and conscious eating

For a long time now i have been thinking and observing how food influences on social palate of behaviour and what is the real need to eat these days?!

 The history of eating habits is quite transparent and we do not have to be geniuses to realize that in the old days, the need for food was mostly to satisfy our basic need of the body; that is hunger.

 Obviously times have past and things have changed; so food became a thought and we started to think trough food. The interest and the need converted on a sensory level and the act of eating "per se" became a social and industrial phenomena.

 Chefs from all over the globe are developing all kinds of "wonder foods" and there is no more limits in supplies to be found where ever we are. Global eating trend that is lasting for a long time now has put us in a "superposition" of being hunters and hunted at the same time by all kinds of hedonistic sensations surrounding us.

 We do not eat anymore for the need of hunger and energy input, but for the satisfaction of our bodily sensors and pure fun and joy. Driven under the influence of food market and masked with the "fast living tempo" we have started to care less about what we actually eat and in a chain reaction developed all kinds of modern diseases led by obesity and finally environmental shift caused by CO2 gas and greenhouse gases emissions coming from breading cattle of all kinds only for our treat.

 I will quote a great man, what he said 116 years ago:

"A thousand other evils might be mentioned, but all put together, in their bearing upon the problem under discussion, they could not equal a single one, the want of food, brought on by poverty, destitution, and famine. Millions of individuals die yearly for want of food, thus keeping down the mass. Even in our enlightened communities, and not withstanding the many charitable efforts, this is still, in all probability, the chief evil. I do not mean here absolute want of food, but want of healthful nutriment. How to provide good and plentiful food is, therefore, a most important question of the day. On the general principles the raising of cattle as a means of providing food is objectionable, because, in the sense interpreted above, it must undoubtedly tend to the addition of mass of a "smaller velocity." It is certainly preferable to raise vegetables, and I think, therefore, that vegetarianism is a commendable departure from the established barbarous habit. That we can subsist on plant food and perform our work even to advantage is not a theory, but a well-demonstrated fact. Many races living almost exclusively on vegetables are of superior physique and strength. There is no doubt that some plant food, such as oatmeal, is more economical than meat, and superior to it in regard to both mechanical and mental performance. Such food, moreover, taxes our digestive organs decidedly less, and, in making us more contented and sociable, produces an amount of good difficult to estimate. In view of these facts every effort should be made to stop the wanton and cruel slaughter of animals, which must be destructive to our morals. To free ourselves from animal instincts and appetites, which keep us down, we should begin at the very root from which we spring: we should effect a radical reform in the character of the food. There seems to be no philosophical necessity for food. We can conceive of organized beings living without nourishment, and deriving all the energy they need for the performance of their life functions from the ambient medium. In a crystal we have the clear evidence of the existence of a formative life-principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is none the less a living being.Nikola Tesla

 You will all agree with me that there is a great truth in this words from a genius and i am not trying to say that we have to change our habits rapidly and now and become all vegetarians; but in 21 century the time has come to reconsider our eating patterns and habits and consciously implement better and more elemental food in our daily lives and think how to improve our mental and physical condition trough our daily routine.

 Humanity has come to the point where daily input of food can be on a higher level of consciousness and that same food should provide us with freshness and mental energy and not digestive problems.

Food should be sustainable for us and for our environment and be extracted from elemental things in nature.

 With that thought We can make a shift in "Conscious eating and sustainable food production" and become active contributors in improvement of environment and make the better future for our children.

 Our food should be our best tool to perform a day.

Harvey Pilas

And Now for Something Completely Different...


Vracam istom mjerom sa sjevera 😋

Zoran Tomic

Office Director Croatia and Slovenia at Greenpeace CEE


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