Sustainable Growth: The Importance of Adaptation and Innovation in Your Dealership and Expansion

Sustainable Growth: The Importance of Adaptation and Innovation in Your Dealership and Expansion


In today's dynamic automotive market, staying ahead requires more than just maintaining the status quo. The principle "what got you here, will not get you to the next level" is especially pertinent when considering the expansion of a dealership from a single location to multiple sites. This newsletter delves into the critical aspects of sustainable growth through adaptation and innovation, focusing on key areas that can transform your dealership's future.

Current Market Overview

The automotive market is continually evolving, with shifting consumer preferences, technological advancements, and economic fluctuations. Understanding these trends is crucial for any dealership looking to expand. As we navigate these changes, it's essential to recognize that the strategies that brought success in the past may not suffice for future growth.

Adapting to Multiple Locations

Expanding from one location to multiple dealerships necessitates a shift in operational strategy. Each dealership must be operated differently, taking into account local market conditions and consumer behavior. This flexibility is vital to ensuring that each location thrives.

Bringing in and Retaining Talent

Attracting and retaining top talent is fundamental to dealership success. Competitive pay plans, career growth opportunities, and a positive work environment are key factors. According to an article by Auto News, pay flexibility and career growth can significantly reduce turnover rates. Additionally, it's essential to invest in active mentorship and structured growth plans individualized for each person and position. Without these elements, reliance on pay plans alone can make or break your dealership. Fostering an incredible culture is paramount to creating a workplace where employees feel valued and motivated.

Innovative Pay Plans and Product Offerings

Pay plans should be structured to incentivize performance and reward excellence. Additionally, the products you offer need to reflect the evolving needs of your customers. This includes staying ahead of trends in vehicle technology and financing options. If your dealership has had the same pre-loaded product for more than five years, it’s likely time to refresh your offerings. Introducing new "why buy here" features or adding products of value can significantly enhance customer appeal and satisfaction.

Training Agents and Administrators

Partnering with well-trained agents and administrators can make a substantial difference in your dealership's operations. A proactive approach that is custom-tailored to the dealer's goals and needs is essential. This includes a thorough review of each person in each department, requiring time and in-depth knowledge of processes. The partner must be intentional about goals and execution, ensuring that continuous training keeps the team knowledgeable about the latest industry practices and capable of providing the best possible service to customers.

Fee Structure and Bottom Line Impact

A well-thought-out fee structure is crucial for maintaining profitability. Regularly reviewing and adjusting fees to reflect current market conditions and operational costs helps maximize the dealership's bottom line without compromising on service quality.

For example, consider the impact of a percentage ceding fee and a loss adjustment expense on your reinsurance company’s compound interest effect. A flat $50 ceding fee versus a 5% fee on an average $1000+ service contract can significantly impact revenue. In a dealership selling 200 cars per month with a 50% VSC penetration, this translates to 100 service contracts per month. At a 5% ceding fee, that’s $50 per contract, amounting to $5,000 per month or $60,000 annually. If these funds were instead invested in a reinsurance company averaging a 7% yield, the compound interest over time would be substantial.

Furthermore, a 10% loss adjustment expense fee on claims further reduces potential gains. For instance, if $200,000 in claims are paid out annually, a 10% loss adjustment fee would cost $20,000. This $20,000 could also have been invested at a 7% yield, resulting in missed growth opportunities.

Here’s the potential impact over five years:

  • Ceding Fee Impact: $60,000 annually at 7% compound interest over five years grows to approximately $348,529.
  • Loss Adjustment Fee Impact: $20,000 annually at 7% compound interest over five years grows to approximately $116,176.

The combined total missed opportunity from these fees over five years is about $464,705.

Wealth Building Through Reinsurance

Reinsurance offers a significant opportunity for wealth building within a dealership. Effective management of reinsurance programs can create an additional revenue stream that supports long-term financial stability and growth. Investment strategies play a crucial role here. Leveraging actual market investments, rather than relying solely on money market funds, can yield higher returns. This approach ensures that your reinsurance funds grow more robustly, providing greater financial security.

The Grass is Greener Where You Water It

A common misconception in the industry is that moving to a different dealership will provide better opportunities. However, it's essential to focus on nurturing and improving your current environment. Regular reviews and value additions can prevent complacency and ensure continuous improvement. As the saying goes, "It'll be greener where you water it." Emphasizing this mindset helps retain talented managers who might otherwise seek opportunities elsewhere, thinking the grass is greener on the other side.


Sustainable growth in the automotive dealership industry requires a proactive approach to adaptation and innovation. By focusing on strategic expansion, talent acquisition and retention, innovative pay plans, continuous training, and effective fee structures, dealerships can navigate the challenges of the current market and achieve long-term success. Remember, just because something works now doesn't mean it's the pinnacle of excellence. There’s always room for improvement and growth.


For further insights on reducing car dealer turnover, refer to the Auto News article.

John Dismukes

20 Group Sales Manager at NIADA. Helping Independent Auto Dealers across America.


So true, even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if if you don’t keep moving forward.

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