Tell Your Story // Find Your Crown

Tell Your Story // Find Your Crown

The past year has been tough:

Cancer scare ✅

Loss of loved ones ✅

Quitting smoking ✅

Losing over 100 pounds ✅

Global Pandemic ✅

Industry and investor shutdown ✅

Still standing. Still looking up.

We all have gone through some $hit the past year, haven’t we?

If you are a person of color and you are reading this, just know I’m here and listening. I can never fully understand your pain or even my own privilege.

Still, I dream of a day where we are all viewed as equal under God and the law + do what I can to see that dream realized. The best I can do is listen, learn and try to use my position to amplify underrepresented voices and uplift others on my journey of growth and (hopefully) positive change.

This is our time to unite and build each other up. Let’s fight the forces that divide us, heal the hurt and create a better tomorrow. I welcome any solutions or feedback you have to meet those goals. I hope we can find both Peace + Justice and, maybe, a little grace too.

To all of my friends, I’ve missed you and hope to see you soon. To my colleagues, I look forward to getting back to making magic happen.

Today I’m:

Grateful that me and an amazing team are about to launch the coolest company ever. [ ] #Cannes2020

Grateful that we are having that long overdo conversation about race and equality because #BlackLivesMatter

With much love,

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- Taylor

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