Ten Tough Questions To Ask Of Your Marketing...

Ten Tough Questions To Ask Of Your Marketing...


  1. Has our company developed clear and complete buyer profiles (personas) that identifies researched demographics, income levels, interests, behaviors (including internet), what prospects read, watch, listen to, where they live and go, and more, for purposes of reaching ideal customers and clients (precision market targeting)?
  2. Do we currently measure, record and archive the effectiveness of all published marketing content, routinely abandon or fix the poor performing offenders and optimize (exploit) those that do well?
  3. Does our company perform marketing effectiveness audits to quantify the true return on our marketing investments and identify how we can transform the segments of ineffective budget spending into new sales revenue flow?
  4. What platforms (direct, indirect, organic, paid) do we use (social media, Email, print, direct mail, paid ads, etc.)? How are we monitoring and measuring the return of marketing investment (ROMI) of each? How can we evaluate, reform or dismiss initiatives when they don’t perform well?
  5. Does our marketing staff think of marketing from a scientific perspective? What meaningful metrics are we using? In what ways? To what extent? And to what degree of depth?
  6. Knowing there is a good chance that 40-60% of our marketing budget is being wasted, what is our strategy going to be to: Make our investment of time and money do its job better!
  7. How good are we at attributing our marketing activity directly to our sales revenue results?
  8. What marketing measure tools and techniques are we using? Which ones need to be retired? What can and should we do to evaluate and acquire updated tools and techniques for our company?
  9. What are the top three things the marketing department should stop doing immediately?
  10. How are we marketing to our current customers and how are we encouraging referrals from them?
  11. BONUS: What is our #1 top priority? Revenue? Love for clients, their needs, wants and the outcomes we produce that truly enhances their lives? Something else?

“What we measure improves.” - Peter Drucker 

Always my best,

Jim Campbell

In-The-Flow Marketing

409 N. Pacific Coast Hwy #268 Redondo Beach, CA 90277 

Phone: 310-487-4306

Email: Jim@In-The-Flow.com 

Website: In-The-Flow.com

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